local street racing death

Really?:confused: Which ones were those meetings? I've been to tons of NSX meeting both in Northern California as well as Southern California. I can't recall anyone speeding or racing much less the majority. I've also attended meeting where you were in attendance as well. Who was doing the speeding or racing?

Sorry, I won't snitch the name since many are aware of you and a few other's policy about racing. U can ask others to either step forward or see if there is another channel for names. What is your intent if and when you have names? scold them?

There was one time when we met at Fremont and headed to Milpitas. I was told that one of the guys with a SC NSX raced a Mustang on the freeway. I was in the back minding my own business and not in the mood to race. I tend to be more selective on the cars and venue, hence I haven't killed anyone or gotten pulled over or accidents whatsoever. That night was not the time.

ALOT of NSXs were going WOT to follow the events in the front.

The event where we went to Ginger's private airport hangers - there was no racing since everyone was going to a new location and following the H1.

There was another event that I wasn't in. It was some NSX meet and drive. I think it was either the Harris ranch one or something else. One of the former NSX owners said that he and a few others ran the cars to 120MPH.

that's a bit fast for me. And since it's an NSX, I don't even bother since it's not that fast of a car. it's really for cruising and good looks.

The GTO is another story. And it's never taken up to 100MPH for races anymore. More of a 65 - 90MPH quick stint. When people witness 600HP+ cars going warp the race is usually over fast when the distance is measured by bus lengths.

I can see why a NSX race would go over 100MPH since it will take that long to determine if a car length is what won or lost the race.
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There was one time when we met at Fremont and headed to Milpitas. I was told that one of the guys with a SC NSX raced a Mustang on the freeway. I was in the back minding my own business and not in the mood to race. I tend to be more selective on the cars and venue, hence I haven't killed anyone or gotten pulled over or accidents whatsoever. That night was not the time.

ALOT of NSXs were going WOT to follow the events in the front.

The event where we went to Ginger's private airport hangers - there was no racing since everyone was going to a new location and following the H1.

There was another event that I wasn't in. It was some NSX meet and drive. I think it was either the Harris ranch one or something else. One of the former NSX owners said that he and a few others ran the cars to 120MPH.

that's a bit fast for me. And since it's an NSX, I don't even bother since it's not that fast of a car. it's really for cruising and good looks.

The GTO is another story. And it's never taken up to 100MPH for races anymore. More of a 65 - 90MPH quick stint. When people witness 600HP+ cars going warp the race is usually over fast when the distance is measured by bus lengths.

I can see why a NSX race would go over 100MPH since it will take that long to determine if a car length is what won or lost the race.

I have not been on an nsx drive in some time, excluding nsxpo.
When I first joined the club we would meet for lunch and take a drive afterwards in the hills.

I lost a friend to such. He met at Santana Row for the car show and went on a drive afterwards.
He went around a bend and hit a damp spot in the road and lost control and went into a tree. He was dead a the seen.

Take it to the track. There are No bicyclist, pedestrians, deer, water, gravel etc.... It is also a tun of fun.

Since I go to the track I get it out of my system... If I go for a drive in the hills is to enjoy. I take it easy and really don't speed.

......I lost a friend to such. He met at Santana Row for the car show and went on a drive afterwards.
He went around a bend and hit a damp spot in the road and lost control and went into a tree. He was dead a the seen....

Is this person someone that has patents under his name, was an Olympic diver for Spain?

Did this person drive a gutted 996 with slicks, shot flames from the exhaust so much noise that the car was cited and towed?
Sorry, I won't snitch the name since many are aware of you and a few other's policy about racing. U can ask others to either step forward or see if there is another channel for names. What is your intent if and when you have names? scold them?

There was one time when we met at Fremont and headed to Milpitas. I was told that one of the guys with a SC NSX raced a Mustang on the freeway. I was in the back minding my own business and not in the mood to race. I tend to be more selective on the cars and venue, hence I haven't killed anyone or gotten pulled over or accidents whatsoever. That night was not the time.

ALOT of NSXs were going WOT to follow the events in the front.

The event where we went to Ginger's private airport hangers - there was no racing since everyone was going to a new location and following the H1.

There was another event that I wasn't in. It was some NSX meet and drive. I think it was either the Harris ranch one or something else. One of the former NSX owners said that he and a few others ran the cars to 120MPH.

that's a bit fast for me. And since it's an NSX, I don't even bother since it's not that fast of a car. it's really for cruising and good looks.

The GTO is another story. And it's never taken up to 100MPH for races anymore. More of a 65 - 90MPH quick stint. When people witness 600HP+ cars going warp the race is usually over fast when the distance is measured by bus lengths.

I can see why a NSX race would go over 100MPH since it will take that long to determine if a car length is what won or lost the race.

OK great, thanks for the clarification on the majority of NSX drivers speeding and racing. So let me get this straight. Someone told you about it once. Another time nothing happened, and the third time someone had an accident when they hit a bad spot in the road. Yeah, that sounds like a majority to me too.
Just start dating petite ladies and you will no longer need to street race. Little ladies are less likely to notice how little it is. :wink:

U are talking about 18 and over, right?

There is really no correlation between genital size and body size. Just look at Gorillas.
The few times I've been at a NSX meet, the majority of NSXs were breaking the law, starting with going past the speed limit up to racing each other or other cars.

I suspect everyone posting in this thread have occasionally gone past 65MPH on the freeway.

Wasn't there was story about the first man that hasn't sinned, can cast the first stone?
Street racing is not a mere act of just above the speed limit. Almost all cars at the left lane on the freeway are above the speed limit at light traffics. They are not racing. To be racing, you need at least 2 cars. The objective is to get ahead in a competitive and aggressive fashions. The one racing would take more chances by steering the car harsher, brake harder, open the throttle wider, and take much riskier maneuvers more readily than one would take normally. And that extra aggression makes a huge difference.
Bottomline is, many of us feel that street racing is totally inappropriate and cowardly. Some of you, obviously street racers, just continue such feeble defense for street racing. Pathetic.
Street racing is not a mere act of just above the speed limit. Almost all cars at the left lane on the freeway are above the speed limit at light traffics. They are not racing. To be racing, you need at least 2 cars. The objective is to get ahead in a competitive and aggressive fashions. The one racing would take more chances by steering the car harsher, brake harder, open the throttle wider, and take much riskier maneuvers more readily than one would take normally. And that extra aggression makes a huge difference.
Bottomline is, many of us feel that street racing is totally inappropriate and cowardly. Some of you, obviously street racers, just continue such feeble defense for street racing. Pathetic.

what's so cowardly about street racing?

Speed limit is designed for the common folks with average driving abilities, tools and such.

What's there to steer harder and take riskier maneuvers when it's a wide open freeway on a Holiday morning or 2am in the morning? U just aim and go straight.

I don't condone weaving in and outta traffic.

And accelerating from 65-90MPH is hardly dangerous.

Any given day there are 10's of thousands of people going 80-90MPH on the freeway. Essentially speeding and breaking the law.

How about accelerating from a standstill for just a hundred feet with no one cars moving at any cross intersection from 0-40mph. hardly dangerous.

What's more dangerous and happens more are those drivers that multi task in a car with stock brakes and tires.

I'll give you some example that I have seen with my own eyes:

1. Reading the newspaper with it on the steering wheel while the car is moving with traffic

2. cell phone talk

3. Putting make up on

4. Driving with the bottom of the wrist resting on the steering wheel

5. Soccer mom "in-SUV/Mini Van-management" activities

6. taking a sweater off where it's pulled over the head while the car is moving

and so forth

I see that WAY more than an occasional sprint

Of course the media doesn't really demonize or highlight it much since they are probably just as guilty of doing said events as oppose to an occasional sprint/spirited driving.
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6. taking a sweater off where it's pulled over the head while the car is moving

A couple of years after I graduated high school one of my classmates tried removing his leather motorcycle jacket with help of his girlfriend ( another classmate ) while riding his motorcycle at 40mph with the girlfriend on the back.

He died. She got messed up pretty bad.

Darwin was right. :wink:
Someone has hacked Batman's account and is mocking him with posts under his own screen name. :biggrin:
The speed limit is designed for EVERYONE. Period.

Someone traveling at the speed limit and checking mirrors to effect a lane change could not possibly be prepared for another driver of ANY ability level to pass from any side at ultra-high closing speeds.

You are not special.

Drag strips were designed by street racers to take their sport off the street because they knew that they were a danger to themselves and the public.
people who are on my ignore list continue to appear quoted in responses to their posts.


Please let me know if I am still on your ingnore list.
You don't determine speed limit on public road. Speed limit is for everyone driving on public road. If you want to set your own speed limit, go to nearby racing track or build your own private road.