loan question -

7 June 2006
how do you take a loan out for a pre 95?
most creditors do not give loans out for 100k+ miles and/or pre 95 (sometimes not even pre 2001 these days)
"Search" could be your friend, but since this is your first post, check out credit unions...
Some folks use 0% interest credit card offers and keep rolling them, others used Home Equity loans but those days are pretty much over with real estate meltdown.
I went through CapitalOne. Worked out okay, but I decided to pay it off long before the term was up- I hate interest.


I went with CapitalOne too. They seem to finance everything with the not-so-best-interest-rates, so I then refinanced it through a credit union after I paid off a substantial amount. Good luck.
My credit union doesn't seem to have age limits, only mileage (100k)..
Really that leaves a couple options:
1) Get a car with less than 100k miles.
2) Pay cash

I suggest doing both. :wink:
Even Capital One was cracking down when I bought mine almost a year ago. I went through a local credit union. And the rates are better there than at the normal banks anyways.