Little Giant Ladders

9 February 2000
San Diego!!!!
Yeah, I know this is a strange topic, but none of my friends and co-workers can help out on this, so I thought I'd give Prime a try.

I'm looking for a ladder, and what caught my eye was the Little Giant Ladder. I started looking at extension ladders, but they were getting pretty heavy and seemed like they were difficult to manuever. I was also looking into foldable ladders, since my father had a pretty handy setup.

A couple of weeks ago, I came across a commercial for the Little Giant ladder which has really been intriguing me, since it appears to cover many of my personal needs. Unfortunately, it was an infomercial, and I've always been hesitant to purchase items that I couldn't see in front of me. I like to play around with items first, before purchasing, to get a feel for construction/quality/durability/etc. After seeing the informercial, I did a little research on-line and realized that the "offer" was actually pretty good. Now it's just a matter of deciding if the item is of decent quality.

Does anyone here have any experience with this item? Any constructive input would be appreciated.

I've used the little giant for years. They're great, if that's what you need. But as versatile as they are, they are limited by their size. If you buy one that is 16 ft. overall height it will never reach 18 ft., if you know what I mean. So determine your needs before you buy one. Also, they can be a little awkward to use alone. It takes a little while to get the hang of them.

Hope that helps.
Randy I have two of them and when loading the Elco for the day I usually choose one over the other ladders available. Easily adjustable and user friendly IMO
I bought a ladder just like on of these at Home Depot. It is made by Gorilla. There were two versions, 13' and 21', they were $99 and $199. I like it for the limited amount I will use it.
