Little drive this weekend?

21 September 2002
Lawrence, MA
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone would like to join me on my potential "quabbin cruise"? I did it last week with a friend and it was great. Lots of very scenic spots and relaxing. Its about a 2-3 hour drive in central and western mass. Roads are all long slightly sweeping curves, with some straights here and there thrown in there.

I just want to get peoples opinion before next year when I'll try to make an actual event called the quabbin cruise. Let me know if anyone can and we'll see if weather is expected to be nice on saturday to do so.
I'd like to sometime but will be busy this weekend.

Awesome, well if you plans change for this weekend we are already planning another drive this weekend I believe on Saturday afternoon, and this time we are letting others join in:). Just give me PM when you have a weekend that is open and we'll try to plan it out as best as we can.

If anyone has a last minute mind change about going this weekend... we'll be meeting at the following location. We'll be meeting between 1:30PM-2PM on Saturday and Departing just after 2PM.

Coming from 290 South,-71.798208&spn=0.01086,0.019312&z=16

Coming from 290 North ( Be careful coming this way Highland St is very bumpy for some reason but no pot holes :-\ ),-71.793165&spn=0.021719,0.038624&z=15

Also a little info about the cruise, especially cool for Honda fans like myself...There is a guy who's been racing and servicing Hondas since the mid 70's along this route. If you are into racing and auto-xing this guy is a great source of information and very friendly...

Also here is a couple of pics to give you guys an idea of what I'm talking about.





This one is just of the starting point ;)
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Well we took the drive this weekend and here are some of the pics we took at another scenic location.




Hey guys this upcoming weekend the weather is suppose to be nice out. So if this holds true for this upcoming weekend, I was wondering who would like to join for the drive. Primaily I've only invited the NSXprime guys but if you guys want to bring friends along, I'm all for it.
Might be able to swing it... let me know when you're thinking. I haven't driven the NSX hardly at all this year. :(
I'm thinking Saturday Morning/afternoon around departing at 11 or 12. If that doesn't work let me know what works for you and I can adjust it I am free all day Saturday and Sunday.

Come one guys I know there has to be more of you guys free this weekend lets enjoy our cars on a nice day. Weather is expected to be in the mid 60s with few clouds :).