Linux users ..

25 July 2004
Houston, TX
Anybody using Linux as their desktop OS ??
I've been using Gentoo Linux for a few years now, with KDE as my desktop environment ..

I used BeOS for a couple of weeks once. Does that count? :D

We have <A HREF="">Fedora</A> at one client. Very nice GUI. But give me Windows XP + StyleXP anyday. ;)
Nice setup, ... Computers and wheels peacefully coexisting! .. :D
I love the Noia based icons with just some 'flat' styles on my Linux box .. they're better looking than the M$ stuff, IMHO ...

Peace ... Gus
I'm a software engineer, and I've been running Linux
since 1996 (for both professional and personal use).

Most commercial software is like a car with the engine compartment
welded shut. You're out of luck if you want to repair or modify it.
I got started with Linux in 1994 and have been using it ever since. I use WindowMaker for my desktop environment since it manages to be both ultra fast, yet beautiful looking.

From a computer hobbiest's perspective, the thing that makes Linux so exciting is how it manages to put the "fun" back in computing. The average Linux user is passionate about Linux! On the other hand, MS Windows is a system that inspires little passion among it's users-- it's a mostly functional, boring system, comprised of many questionable design decisions.

From a knowledgable IT professional's perspective, Linux puts the "simplicity" back in computing. Linux makes servers seem simple and straightforward. With Linux the system administrator can acutally understand how the system works-- an invaluable skill for troubleshooting problems. By comparison, Windows is like a very complex "black box" that is often impossible to fully understand. Microsofties like to brag about the complexity and sophisticaion of Windows, but my experience tells me that complexity is generally something to be avoided, not embraced. The KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid), is sound advice.
I forgot to mention about Cygwin package that allows you to get a lot of UNIX functionality on your windows machine. It has a Linux emulation library and a bunch of ported binaries. I mainly use it for the X emulator, xterms, and openssh port.