Limecreek road, Anyone ??

How about the weekend of July 8/9 .. I'm leaning more towards Saturday, July 8 ..

As for the route, we can meet up in Austin (Us Houston guys can start together from Houston), then drive to Limecreek rd, stop at Oasis for lunch, then drive up to Marble falls for some more twisty roads.

Cheers .. Gus
Sounds like a good drive but if that is the date, then I am out.

I leave this country July 3 and return a couple of weeks after.
trip to Turkey got canceled.

I'm down for this if anyone else still wants to go
What time are you guys planning to reach Austin/LC? I've got plans, but would like to meet up with ya'll if possible before them and run the road. :)
Sorry, guys .. A couple of ppl in my dept are out this week and I'm the one on call this weekend. :frown: Can't leave Houston this weekend because of that!

Any ideas for another weekend ?? July 22 is out because it's the MSR track day.
