Lime Rock ALMS - Photos

28 March 2002
We had great weather for the qualifying day at Lime Rock where we first saw the new changes to the track. Lime Rock has just been repaved with significant changes to the Uphill and West Bend along with new spectator areas to bring the action even closer to the crowds.

Even better was the fact that it is an all Acura front row with Highcroft taking the pole and the four Acura entries placing in the top 7. Hopefully that will bode well for today's main event which will take place this afternoon after 38 NSXs get the prime time parade lap.

Here are a few shots for now takem in the new West Bend.








Congrats to Acura and our local team, Highcroft Racing on not only taking the pole but winning the race! Thanks to all who came out to support the NSXCA and Acura.

More photos later.......
Congrats to Acura and our local team, Highcroft Racing on not only taking the pole but winning the race! Thanks to all who came out to support the NSXCA and Acura.

Bob, since you had to depart before the end of the race I decided I would provide some photos of the winning team enjoying their victory...







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Amazing photos as always Bob... For those who have never been, even as good as these photos are, they don't capture 1/10th of the overall experience... you need to GO!!!

Amazing, amazing race and couldn't have had a better ending. Catch it on Speed Channel today at 12 (at least on DirecTV).
Over the years, several of our Northeast members have had the auditory displeasure of sharing a room with David "The Rat Bastard Son-in-Law" Moore as a result of his renowned snoring talents. However, no one has suffered more than his wife Susan (a/k/a OU Go Girl) who endures his window rattling roars and tries to sleep wherever and whenever she can.

As proof of the decibel level of David's stertor, Susan was sighted sleeping soundly at a comparatively quiet location at the ALMS.......


Lol too funny Bob! And The Big Ernie taught Brabham everything he knows about...............Grillin!:biggrin:
That 007 Aston Martin sure loved missing that corner and straightening it out! He drove across the dirt on at least three occasions. Here's the aftermath of its 008 stablemate after tangling with one of the Audis:


It looks like I missed a fantastic day.

Bob as usual your photos are crap :rolleyes::rolleyes:

It must be those blurry Canon lenses and that really slow full frame body :biggrin:

Great work as usual I feel like I was there.
It must be those blurry Canon lenses and that really slow full frame body :biggrin:

I was worried I wouldn't be able to get any shots. On Friday, on the very first photo I took my glasses broke and were not capable of being repaired (and those were my backup pair as it was). I had to set the camera on autofocus and I changed the diopter on my viewfinder to fit my prescription (myopic). I used my camera as a monacle to be able to "see" where I wanted to shoot and then let the autofocus features take over.
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Thanks for sharing pictures.

I was stuck in the office till 2AM on Saturday and Sunday. However, looking at these pictures make me feel as if I was there.