Lime green NSX

26 June 2002
I need any photos of a lime green, candy apple green, bright green NSX. I am considering a custom color and I suck at photochop..Lambo green is ok too.thanks in advance...Brent:biggrin:
Biggest I got.
Texas91Brent said:
I need any photos of a lime green, candy apple green, bright green NSX. I am considering a custom color and I suck at photochop..Lambo green is ok too.thanks in advance...Brent:biggrin:

You must be really mad at your car. :)
There is a candy green gold s2000 in this months super street magazine with widebody and tinted looks wicked...check it out!!:biggrin:
to each their own but i think that color looks like ass.
Hey man,that chick was hot!!!!!:biggrin:
I don't care as much for the metallic in the brighter greens as on that specific NSX shot. I prefer the two stage.

I forget the formal color PPG code/name, but Georg Pollnow's 97' hi-liter green Diablo SV (Verde Scandale) from the running of the bulls looks pretty sweet.
The cone air filter doesn't look right to me. The Testarossa reminds me of two that are being auctioned here in Brunei today. Too bad they are RHD. There is also a red 456GT also being auctioned.
Jin1976 said:
The cone air filter doesn't look right to me. The Testarossa reminds me of two that are being auctioned here in Brunei today. Too bad they are RHD. There is also a red 456GT also being auctioned.

Right - the filter needs some viagra.

The Testarossa is very nice indeed. Ironically - I hear it's going to a loving home for a RHD conversion...

Nice 02 conversion Jin!
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Very cool!!!! Like the MargaHill stuff!!!! Brent:biggrin:
The green and orange NSX are the trade mark Type S color.