life before prime.

27 October 2010
I was wondering what the life was like for those nsx owners before prime. Maybe some old school timers can chime in and let us know. What was it like before the world wide web. I searched prime and no threads popped up. Let us know the first vendors, dealer experience, stories etc. I know the coolest guy must of had the new wings west kit. Any posts would be great for future generations to read upon.
I was wondering what the life was like for those nsx owners before prime. Maybe some old school timers can chime in and let us know. What was it like before the world wide web. I searched prime and no threads popped up. Let us know the first vendors, dealer experience, stories etc. I know the coolest guy must of had the new wings west kit. Any posts would be great for future generations to read upon.

I wrote this foreword as part of the NSXPO 2010 proposal/bid:

In 1994, the NSX Web Ring was started by David Hwang M.D., a first year Anesthesiology resident at the University of Michigan Hospitals. The NSX Web Ring was hosted by the department’s servers in appreciation of David’s assistance in setting up the Anesthesia department’s official website. Gradually, as more NSX owners became web savvy, the Web Ring grew and served as the location for NSX owners and enthusiasts to share information, receive NSX related mailings and plan gatherings. Plans for a national gathering grew and by 1996, NSXPO was conceived as an opportunity for owners to finally meet and celebrate their passion for the NSX. NSXCA was also established and David was elected as its first president in Denver at NSXPO 1997. 11 cities have hosted NSXPO since, each adding a unique chapter to the rich history of the NSX. Concurrently, NSX production ceased in 2005, the interests of original and new owners have changed, and alternative locations for gathering and exchanging information are now abundantly available (this is where NSXPrime comes in). We truly believe that Las Vegas is uniquely positioned to provide the spark that will rekindle excitement in the NSX, reestablish NSXCA membership as the essential ingredient of the NSX ownership experience and restore the gravity of NSXPO as the “can’t miss” annual celebration of the NSX and its owners.

Ken Sax is the most senior original owner (91) on Prime and he can tell you a lot more (he also has the most posts on Prime). I'm probably the most senior original owner (92) with the most mods and can give you some insight into that subject as well. Welcome!

Best Regards,

I wrote this foreword as part of the NSXPO 2010 proposal/bid:

In 1994, the NSX Web Ring was started by David Hwang M.D., a first year Anesthesiology resident at the University of Michigan Hospitals. The NSX Web Ring was hosted by the department’s servers in appreciation of David’s assistance in setting up the Anesthesia department’s official website. Gradually, as more NSX owners became web savvy, the Web Ring grew and served as the location for NSX owners and enthusiasts to share information, receive NSX related mailings and plan gatherings. Plans for a national gathering grew and by 1996, NSXPO was conceived as an opportunity for owners to finally meet and celebrate their passion for the NSX. NSXCA was also established and David was elected as its first president in Denver at NSXPO 1997. 11 cities have hosted NSXPO since, each adding a unique chapter to the rich history of the NSX. Concurrently, NSX production ceased in 2005, the interests of original and new owners have changed, and alternative locations for gathering and exchanging information are now abundantly available (this is where NSXPrime comes in). We truly believe that Las Vegas is uniquely positioned to provide the spark that will rekindle excitement in the NSX, reestablish NSXCA membership as the essential ingredient of the NSX ownership experience and restore the gravity of NSXPO as the “can’t miss” annual celebration of the NSX and its owners.

Ken Sax is the most senior original owner (91) on Prime and he can tell you a lot more (he also has the most posts on Prime). I'm probably the most senior original owner (92) with the most mods and can give you some insight into that subject as well. Welcome!

Best Regards,


And ken is selling his NSX.... I fear the NSX world is experiencing the dark ages LOL. I hope to meet him sometime soon he lives only a few miles away

In February 1992 Curtis Clark began publishing the NSXtra Newsletter in Corpus Christi, Texas. Its stated mission: “to help all present NSX owners (plus future prospective owners and other interested parties) to exchange vehicle facts, details and impartial information.” In that first issue, HKS and Hennessey already offered aftermarket performance parts for the NSX.

To be honest, the monthly newsletter was like an offline version of NSXPrime with news, stories, product reviews, etc. I wrote some articles for it as did other NSX owners and vendors contributed as well. Curtis stopped publishing the newsletter in late 1998 or early 1999 and while I was looking for another source of NSX information and news I bumped into this website.
The NSXCA list server....those were the days, huh? ;) I still remember some of the "conversations" and, even more so, remember the hundreds of emails I'd get from it daily.

And unfortunately, I had a stack of the NSXtra newsletters back in the day that found themselves in the wrong box during a move. Have no idea where they're at now. :(
In February 1992 Curtis Clark began publishing the NSXtra Newsletter in Corpus Christi, Texas. Its stated mission: “to help all present NSX owners (plus future prospective owners and other interested parties) to exchange vehicle facts, details and impartial information.” In that first issue, HKS and Hennessey already offered aftermarket performance parts for the NSX.

To be honest, the monthly newsletter was like an offline version of NSXPrime with news, stories, product reviews, etc. I wrote some articles for it as did other NSX owners and vendors contributed as well. Curtis stopped publishing the newsletter in late 1998 or early 1999 and while I was looking for another source of NSX information and news I bumped into this website.

I have just about every issue of NSXtra tucked away in my archives...:biggrin:
How about the life AFTER prime? Well, it goes on and it's not a nightmare. :tongue::D
before prime there was the webring with owner sites linked to each other,and as mentioned the list serve and nsxtra ...
I like "life before" stories too. My grandmother was 90 when she passed away 2 years ago and she had seen an incredible variety of changes between 1918 and 2008 as you can imagine.

More striking though to me occured the other night when watching a special on Palladia featuring Lemmy from Motorhead. Lemmy said that he remembered living in the time before Rock and Roll; before Little Richard, Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry and all of the founders.

I'm a music freak that always has some music running somehow so this struck me profoundly. As a former AOR FM DJ I'm pretty well informed about the origins of Rock and Roll too, but I'd never processed before was imagining a world without Rock and Roll. That's a world that I don't know how well I would make it in.

OT, I know that I greatly appreciate the efforts of LUD and all the other previous platform organizers that helped create this unique community that allows us to share information and perspectives.