LHD Veilside NSX Video


Experienced Member
3 June 2006
Just saw this video of a Veilside LHD (left-had-drive) spec NSX.

I could live with the front end, but the rear is too disingenuous for my taste. Otherwise the car sounds very nice, and apart from excessive donuts, the video is worth checking out:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/lXt37GaMqrk"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/lXt37GaMqrk" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Who was it with the comments in the New & Prospective Owners section you can't get the NSX rear wheels spin? :rolleyes:

Sound is great, don't like the kit why would anyone change the perfect styling of the NSX. :(

puh...I just wanted it to end..yes you are so true about those donuts.

Deamon is here on Prime.

Great sound but as usual IMHO that kit looks too much ferrari pretending ... seriously, the NSX is gorgeous already.
I am coming out of the closet. I am a veilside kit fan I dont know why I just like the kit. The wing is alittle much but the lines are still nice. I really like the taillights on the car.

Exhaust note is perfect!
The front bumper where the CF lip is looks like something is missing. After looking at the video I'm hating the kit more.
hey, i reconize that guy. that's Deamon, who stole $7 grand from vance six months ago selling some non-existent NSX-R seats and involving some imaginary friend named Patrik.
now we know where the money went to. to fund his vielside body kit fitted nsx.
I wonder what would the Swedish Police will do now since they sent Vance a letter, refered by the FBI.
evof575gtc said:
hey, i reconize that guy. that's Deamon, who stole $7 grand from vance six months ago selling some non-existent NSX-R seats and involving some imaginary friend named Patrik.
now we know where the money went to. to fund his vielside body kit fitted nsx.
I wonder what would the Swedish Police will do now since they sent Vance a letter, refered by the FBI.


The guy did look a little shady I must admit. And his donuts were awful, I apologize. As far as the exhaust goes I'm not sure what's in there, probably I/H/E with straight pipes.

I too agree that the Veilside kit is fairly obnoxious, but I think the side profile, which still looks like the NSX, actually does looks nice.

I'll try to post something more worthwile next time, and I hope Vance gets his money back!

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evof575gtc said:
hey, i reconize that guy. that's Deamon, who stole $7 grand from vance six months ago selling some non-existent NSX-R seats and involving some imaginary friend named Patrik.
now we know where the money went to. to fund his vielside body kit fitted nsx.
I wonder what would the Swedish Police will do now since they sent Vance a letter, refered by the FBI.

i hope he saved some of his 'procedes' for when he pops an engine since my little sister who has never driven a manual could drive a car without bouncing it off the rev limiter. :rolleyes:
first of all vance did get 3000bak from patrik srcend of all patrik is doing 6month for his misstake and he will pay bak vance
first of all vance did get 3000bak from patrik srcend of all patrik is doing 6month for his misstake and he will pay bak vance


AFAIH he did get some money back from you.

This Patrik figure is not real. If he is please post his social security number. I am sure we find somebody in Sweden that can confirm if it is a real person or not. Or maybe he is just a "phantom" or a "deamon".

How much time do you think you deserve for that scam you did on Vance?

im not a fan of that kit...sounds good...i think he needs to lower it also, then it will look a little better...

Looks like this exhaust was used??
I never liked that kit.. but the exhaust sounds amazing !!!

AFAIH he did get some money back from you.

This Patrik figure is not real. If he is please post his social security number. I am sure we find somebody in Sweden that can confirm if it is a real person or not. Or maybe he is just a "phantom" or a "deamon".

How much time do you think you deserve for that scam you did on Vance?


here you have everything you need
Patrik Laveryd
please check and get back to us so that peopel can see that the person is not a "phantom"