Lets see pictures of your office

30 November 2007
New to Balt/DC area
I've been slowly decorating my office over the passed several months and have been at a loss lately to what I want to put on the walls and around the office..........so lets see some office pics:biggrin:
Night job....


So how much do you make per show?... :biggrin: Haha, i'm only kidding. :tongue: Otherwise, clever idea.
just a glimpse:biggrin:


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Kid- Where does the beat up and finish portion occur? Looks to clean to me:biggrin::biggrin:

Kid- Where does the beat up and finish portion occur? Looks to clean to me:biggrin::biggrin:

Not our style, we dont roll like that. Repeat and refferal business is much cheaper than advertising. We're currently 4th in the country and Im a big fan of customer service. I meet everyone who come's in, either to thank them for the business or to let them know we're ready whenever they are. No pressure, 6 years later..I've built quite a following:biggrin:
Not our style, we dont roll like that. Repeat and refferal business is much cheaper than advertising. We're currently 4th in the country and Im a big fan of customer service. I meet everyone who come's in, either to thank them for the business or to let them know we're ready whenever they are. No pressure, 6 years later..I've built quite a following:biggrin:

Good to know there's good people out there, THANKS. Gil
Good to know there's good people out there, THANKS. Gil

What goes around...you know the deal:biggrin:Good Karma beats a quick buck anyday of the week.
Hope NSXPO 2008 works for you. love to meet you. Gil

No can do, but I'll be in LA Oct 1-7 and attending the meet on the 2nd at the Acura dealership:wink: Fam comes first and I gotta man up:wink:
If that last pic is your night job I can assume the name of your club is ,,,the crying game lounge:tongue:


Sweet! Is that a 688? A few of my buddies and I were recruited in college by the Navy (actually in highschool too) and they wanted me to be on an Ohio class SSBN. It was very tempting but I decided against it. To this day, I think about what it would have been like though.

What do you do on "the boat?"
yes that's a 688i class submarine. the biggest difference between Ohio class (boomers) and the Los Angeles Class (fast attacks) is the size. Boomers are huge compared to a fast attack.

I'm the Leading Nuclear Chemist on "the boat."
yes that's a 688i class submarine. the biggest difference between Ohio class (boomers) and the Los Angeles Class (fast attacks) is the size. Boomers are huge compared to a fast attack.

I'm the Leading Nuclear Chemist on "the boat."

C'mon, admit it. You're just 1/2 of the 75 ish couples on the boat:biggrin:

Boomers are huge compared to just about any boat. Don't forget about all those nucular bombs on a boomer and not a fast attack.

I'm just funnin' about the couple's comment. 10 years in Bangor WA including a room mate off a boat slightly tweaks Navy humor. Besides, "Its only queer if its at the pier."

These are all really old - like 1998 through 2001, from college to the integra type-r days.. Figured I'd throw them up though.



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