Let's Gossip about PHOEN$X

2 October 2001
Just so nobody is worried, <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> is busy at the moment with work... which makes this the perfect opportunity to GOSSIP about him!!! :D (hehe... we need a "really offtopic" forum i think ;) )

ok ok ok ... i'll start it off...
Did you know <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> has a twin brother?!?! :eek:
That's right... that means double-trouble, but not necessarily double the post-count! :p
I'll let you decide which one is the "evil" twin though. :)

Some more hot goss... did you know that <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> is such a nice guy that when i first joined prime, he even offered to donate a kidney if i needed one. :D Come on ladies... how many nice guys are there like him that own an NSX?!!?! :p

Someone else's turn now... but keep it nice though... <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> has many friends around here... :D
Actually, here is a spooky secret.... :eek:

If you type <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> backwards, you get <B>X$<FONT COLOR=red>Neo</FONT>hP</B> :eek: :eek:

Maybe I'm his third brother?!?!?! :rolleyes:
(That would explain our post-counts and 1337n355! :D)
This is pathetic gossip. Hasn't he appeared on Jerry Springer or something remotely interesting?

Mr.Neo - A more terrifying piece of news is that Mr.Phoen$x has close connections with David Hasselhoff. Want Proof?

<I>The first episode of Knight Rider was called <B>"Knight of the Phoenix"</B>. In this episode, "Michael Long, a policeman, is shot and left for dead. The shot is deflected by a plate in his head, but ruins his face. He is saved and his face reconstructed. He is reluctant, but agrees to use K.I.T.T. to help the Foundation for Law and Government fight criminals who are 'beyond the reach of the law'."</I>

Now that is gossip. :D
See what you can uncover with your friend, the "search"?!
Mr.Wolf - OMG, How on earth did you uncover this information?!? The Hasselhoff-PhoeN$X connection makes a lot more sense now! You're my new hero and the search is my new best friend.
ROFL... <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>, I am soooo tempted to post that photo of David Hasselhoff now... :D but i stupidly gave you my word.... :)

<B>gheba_nsx</B> : See attached photo... i think Kelvin's brother is the one on the right... but the sunglasses make it hard to pick them apart. ;)


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Wow, I'm flattered people find my life interesting enough to start a thread. Not much juicy gossip though, sorry to disappoint you Neo. :p

As Neo mentioned, I have been wrapped up with work lately. In addition, I'm doing research on setting up a wireless network at home, as I will be (finally) getting high-speed internet access (woohoo). Speaking of home, I'm looking for a bigger place with a 4+ car garage; my 3-car garage is starting to feel a little cramped. Unfortunately, demand for housing seems to be higher than supply at the moment. :(

Oh yeah, I'm busy collecting die-cast car models too, including some NSXs. I'll post some pics once everything arrives.

I'm still lurking around here, in my spare time.
knight rider guy's boss 'devon' had a son who was evil..very evil!. complete with an evil knight riderish car , michael (hasslehoff)knights facial surgery replicated devons son, ending up michael night havin an 'evil' twin!

twin theme is reoccuring hmmmm.....does phoenix have a freaky 'dark half' (for all u stephen king fans) :)
Hmm.... what's interesting here is that <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> neither confirms nor denies the Phoenix-hasselhoff connection... and AJNSX sheds more light on the reoccuring "twin theme" :eek:

Oh wise one, Mr.Wolf... what more can you tell us about this amazing conspiracy theory?! :D

<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>: funny you say you're lurking around here when we all criticize the lurkers that read threads without posting. ;) heheheh....
I think it's interesting that if you type PHOEN$X into the Yahoo search engine, it turns up a bunch of links, including a website with an illustration that reminds me a lot of NSXprime at times:

nsxtasy said:
I think it's interesting that if you type PHOEN$X into the Yahoo search engine, it turns up a bunch of links, including a website with an illustration that reminds me a lot of NSXprime at times:


:D :D :D
:confused: My how this thread has digressed....

Getting back on topic... some MORE HOT GOSSIP ABOUT <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>.

Did you know that <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> and <B>scNSXgirl</B> are brother and sister?!?!?!! :eek:
Well... not really... but if they were, it would explain a lot too:

* They both own NSX's.
* They both live in AZ.
* They both go to Scottsdale.
* They are both REALLY REALLY COOL people. :cool:
* Did i mention they both own NSX's? :rolleyes:

The evidence is mounting........ :D