letcher sideskirts

27 August 2005
California and Hawaii
Does anyone out there have Letcher sideskirts? any opinions about fitment and overall quality? They appear to be very similar to Marga Hills, what are the differences? Where can I purchase Letcher sideskirts, any dealers out there?
Get stacy's sideskirts. They fit the best and are a modified version of the original Marga Hills. The Marga Hills fit horribly and will require you to do work.

Letcher's sideskirts are hard to find. Fitment you might want to ask Anytime, since he use to own them.

I have the lechers and IMO they flow the best with the stock nsx's lines. As far as fitment I didnt have any problems but the finish inside the doors is something that may turn many off. I do not have pictures of this but you will have to remove the trim plate over the exisiting side skirts in order to get the lechers on and there is no real way of re attaching the old plate to the new one. There was a recent thread on this also but I dont think that went into any detail. I will try and get some pics of what I mean in the next few days.
Get stacy's sideskirts. They fit the best and are a modified version of the original Marga Hills. The Marga Hills fit horribly and will require you to do work.

Letcher's sideskirts are hard to find. Fitment you might want to ask Anytime, since he use to own them.


They are not hard to fnd but will take about three months to get from japan but the same can be said about almost any custom japanese product for your car. They are available from SOS and IMO well worth the money.