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Let it snow!

11 June 2002






I thought we got a lot of snow here in PA (12 inches). I was very very wrong LOL. Soooo how many inches did you get there in maryland?
:eek: !!!! WOOOOW!!!
I'm up to 32" as of noon today, with another 4-6" to go... Not all of it has stuck around (some melted yesterday), but I have piles about 4' in various places around the yard.
I have about 30" outside (I get anything from 28-34 depending on where I measure because of drifts), but I think 30 is pretty accurate.
Wow, looks like freakin' Doctor Zhivago stuff going on there. Time to break out the balalaika and play Lara's theme.
Looks like Chicago got lucky this winter, we've got low temperatures but allmost no snow.
Looks like the house on the right has poor insulation in the attic.

Thats funny.

My dad taught me how to spot poor insulation many many years ago and now I always point it out to my GF. She thinks I am retarded...along with many of the other observation I make. :biggrin:
My sisters who grew up in Houston sent me pics from Philly and D.C. I was in :eek: - and to think I was complaining about not washing the car b/c it was 50 degrees outside.
Looks like the house on the right has poor insulation in the attic.

Not necesarily.Many homes in the colder climes are built with "cold" attics meaning that the attic itself is not insulated per se except the floor,which is the ceiling of the floor below.Our home is like this.The eaves circulate air into the attic and keep it cold in winter but the air flow is key to keeping ice jams from forming,gases from building up ect.I liken this to a house within a house.So in my developement all the houses have snow on the roofs.