Leonardo at The Tech Museum

3 March 2007
Silicon Valley
I went to see the Leonardo: 500 years into the Future exhibit at The Tech Museum in San Jose - 201 Market Street (across from the Fairmont and Caesar Chavez Park). I find this exhibit very entertaining, and Leonardo's designs are amazing. There are working models of Leonardo's work being displayed. There is a self guided tour and guided tour that starts every 15 minutes. Cost for adult is $25 ($3.00 discount for AAA members, $5.00 discount with student ID). The Leonardo admission includes admission to the general Tech Museum galleries. Did you know that Leonardo used worm gears, rack, pinion, and ball bearings in some of his designs? Has anyone attended this exhibit? What are your thoughts regarding this exhibit?
That exhibit is phenominal! What an incredible and diverse mind. Even my wife was fascinated. For anyone planning to go, be prepared to spend a minimum of 4 hours. The mock-ups are great fun and very challenging to look at and figure out the hows and whys. Anyone that enjoys mechanical leverage and solving man's problems through physics will love it. If you've been into your differential or transmission, things will look familiar. Thank you Leonardo for helping to make NSX's work so well.

His understanding of proportions, art, the human mind and body was also fascinating. They just don't relate as well to cars so maybe i didn't spend as much time in that part of the exhibit. But there was a pretty good education on understanding beauty and lines that does relate to NSX's!

It would be hard to not strongly recommend a visit. If you are in the area, GO! Get off your computer and GO!