Lehman Brother taking over

Are you in the financial industry? Are Lehman Brothers taking over your company, or they providing some financial services like determining valuation, arranging for takeover talks, finding a buyer/merger/partner, providing strategic input, etc.?

Years ago, Lehman was a great company. In my experience (investor relations, doing IPOs, secondaries, shelf financing, etc.) they are not much of a player.
Well Lehman is taking over most of the share in our company and goshhhh, the employment folder is about 10 inches thick :D I have to read, sign all kinds of stuffs, and redo my background check by the FBI. YEs FBI is what was stated in one of the paper work. What I am trying to get at is this one of many problems to come? heheh

Dtrigg said:
Are you in the financial industry? Are Lehman Brothers taking over your company, or they providing some financial services like determining valuation, arranging for takeover talks, finding a buyer/merger/partner, providing strategic input, etc.?

Years ago, Lehman was a great company. In my experience (investor relations, doing IPOs, secondaries, shelf financing, etc.) they are not much of a player.
I had several accounts with Neuberger and Berman. After Lehman bought them out I closed all the accounts. I don't really have a lot of faith in Lehman, especially after they dumped millions of shares of Sirus @ .54, then SIRI went to 2 bucks soon after. Not really someone I want managing my money, you know? This is only one example of many.
They are pretty big player in mortgages/reits etc. They are also pretty big on compliance/loss mitigation---explaining the substantial background checks etc.

I think they are still well respected in the financial services community.

What company/industry are you with?
Mortgage banking, huckster. I deal with secondary market stuffs. I just got a manual book thicker than the yellowpages. On top of that, the FBI (it says) will be conducting the background check.....AGAIN!!!:D

huckster said:
They are pretty big player in mortgages/reits etc. They are also pretty big on compliance/loss mitigation---explaining the substantial background checks etc.

I think they are still well respected in the financial services community.

What company/industry are you with?