Leather removal


15 July 2009
Hey guys,
I just got a leather kit from leatherseats.com , and I figured I would start on the Passenger side first,, so I cant figure out how to take the center pieces out of the seat? I have done 2 of my other cars with these kits before, I am a friend to the hog rings LOL, anyway I cant find anything on the process of the leather removal,any tips would help,,, its better to figure out how it comes off and back on is easy,, I know I could always just rip the old leather off and go from there but wanna do it right!! let me know if you guys have done this before!! I dont need to do it on the passenger side just the drivers side, but why not do both while im at it ya know!!
i understand your desire to do it yourself, i like DIY as well but certain things just come out better if done by a professional. there are very good chances that you will be disapointed with the outcome if DIY- a professional shop can modify the foam where needed etc. especially that any aftermarket kit is not 'exactly' an oem fit.
The center cusion sections split apart with a j-hook, right about where you kidneys would be. Once the cusions come apart it is obvious how the seats are covered. Nice job Honda!

The manual actually details it pretty nicely. The manual can be downloaded free from Dali or someplace on this site (which keeps changing).

A professional is somebody who does it for a living, though it doesn't mean they don't know what they are doing.

I find the best mechanic is myself, because I care, its my care and I'm not on a clock.
just because you care does not mean you have the experience. i care too yet i had to take my seats (not nsx yet much more complex) to a 'professional that cares' because i don't know 'the tricks' and they looked like crap no matter what i tried. an assumption that any 'professional' is a waste of time is an ASSumption.
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I was surprised at how bad some people's leatherseats.com covers look when they installed them themselves. I thought maybe they just weren't that high quality.. Then I was reading through the thread and found that the seats in my own car were from that group buy too, but were installed at a shop by someone that knows what they're doing. It was a night and day difference.

I'd rather spend a few hundred $'s and have people say "damn those seats look nice" rather than "damn that looks like sh*t, how much did you pay for that?"

but that's just me.. :cool:
I'd rather change my own coolant than have a "professional" do it. That way I'm not saddled with a $14K repair bill and months without my car.


This so called professional dealership gets paid to screw it up and then paid again and again to fix it. Good thing he took it to a professional.

I suppose changing out seat covers is a non critical repair, so it might be an ok in hiring it out.

However, I found there are very few competent professionals, they are very rare. I have found too many missing fasteners, broken connectors and just plain sub-standard work done on cars that I have purchased where the only service performed was by dealerships.

I have been nearly universally disappointed with other professionals (people who do it for a living). Some of the best work that I have hired out was done by more or less hobby folks. I find myself in a paradox often when using "professionals": I'm only happy with work performed by the ones that are too busy and unavailable to actually get them to work. If they are free and available, then I don't want them.

Your skill and luck might vary.
drew, I agree with all what you've said. Now, does anyone have a link to a photo-story who to take a seat apart?
Not that bad to do.

Remove the seat from the car.

remove the bottom front snaps. flip up the bottom pad. you will pretty much see all the snaps and clips to remove.

There is a pin that locks in the headrest. remove that and the headrest will come out to let you remove the top back pad.

I dont remember there are any hog rings in the NSX seat. but you can just use Zip ties in place of hog rings in some situations.
You mean like from first grade through high school or just starting with the person's apprenticeship?:biggrin:

Good catch. :) I mean how to take the seats apart. Maybe I was a little bit destructive today and was thinking of 'The Who'. :)
Uh, oh. You just gave a link to a "professional".

I said they were rare.

does he care?

Yeah I do, just not very much.

I think the problem is that I live on the West Coast. And in this unfortunate part of the world, where Hollywood and lawyer's run supreme,you are considered a failure if you work with your hands. So most folks would rather do nothing at all and <strike>be broke, I mean</strike> be an artist.
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