
Lud did you hear that all 26 million of these leaflets are no good because the Iraqi people do not understand those comic-type balloon statements. They don't use ballons to denote speech. I heard this on CNN this week. It may be that the new leaflets for this war might have been changed but the US military didn't understand the cultural difference at first.

Looks like the problem was corrected before too many leaflets were printed. I should waited until I had looked at all the leaflets before commenting.

[This message has been edited by Tony Montoya (edited 26 March 2003).]
Not very many of those leaflets use comic-style "balloons".

Most of them simply have text.

I frankly don't believe that there's a cultural problem with these leaflets. It sounds more like someone's trying to nitpick the military's efforts.

Originally posted by Jimbo:

I frankly don't believe that there's a cultural problem with these leaflets. It sounds more like someone's trying to nitpick the military's efforts.


In this country, come on, that doesn't happen here

If anyone at the Pentagon is reading I think you should use this on the next drop over Iraq.

Come one, come all. Entertainment for the whole family. Hollywoods best entertainers and other loyalist supporters for your pleasure. Line-up as follows:

Tom Daschle, Bill Clinton & Hans Blix with a reading of the "Bill of Rights"

Madonna, The Dixie Chicks and Michael Moore singing the "National Anthem"

Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin doing a play of the 80's hit "Strips"

All finishing up with BBQ & Pig roast buffet served by anti war protestors and lessor known camera mugging hollywood types at Saddams place.

NOTE: Guns & Chem/Bio suites are optional.
thanks lud - these were interesting.

I'm surprised they haven't used leaflets that refer to Islam in some way (eg. islam is meant to be a religion of peace; help us bring you peace) ...they used these in Gulf War I and were quite successful.

Why haven't they dropped leaflets asking people to over-throw Saddam??? I thought this was a key in winning the cities.
I agree with the leaflets either with cartoons or with text. The only thing I would do different in order to get them down quicker is to tape each one to a 2000 lb bunker buster bomb.
Originally posted by MiamieNeSeX:
I agree with the leaflets either with cartoons or with text. The only thing I would do different in order to get them down quicker is to tape each one to a 2000 lb bunker buster bomb.

Hahaha... no wonder they've been so ineffective.