Laser vs. Radar ?

21 June 2005
Could someone please explain the difference between the two in regards to a speeding violation. When I think of lasers, I picture a rock concert or eye surgery. How do cops implement it ? Is it more reliable and accurate than radar ?
I found this on google

laser vs. radar

The types of guns used by police are laser and radar. The former transmits short bursts of invisible light, which rebound off an object and return to the laser gun. The laser's chief selling point is its thin beam -- a feature that provides nearly foolproof target identification.

Because the narrow laser beam operates exclusively in instant-on mode (transmits only when trigger is squeezed), coupled with the fact that it generates very little scatter -- random bits of electromagnetic energy bouncing down the road -- it is much tougher to detect than radar. For this reason, a detector usually offers little advance warning.

The radar gun, on the other hand, operates by transmitting radio waves (X, K, and the new number one threat Ka-band) at certain frequencies. A portion of the beam reflects from the target and returns to the radar. If the target is moving, a quantifiable change in frequency occurs. The radar converts this shift into miles per hour and determines the vehicle's speed.

Heres more not sure if it will help you but hey I tried

Radar detectors use radar radio waves aimed at a moving vehicle to determine speed.

Laser detectors use high-intensity light pulses to do the same thing.

When Was The first Radar Police Detector developed?
Radar speed devices for police use have existed since the 1950's when the X-band radar was introduced. X-band radar use was considered high-tech in its day, but for today's standards the low 10.5 to 10.55 GHz range had become seriously deficient.

As technology developed so did the use of the X-band into garage door openers and even cellular phone towers scattered all over the country.

This extended use created interference that developed a high incidence of false readings requiring additional filtering technology.

The next generation radar speed detector needed to evolve.

Is a Ka-Band Detector much different than a K-Band Detector?
Less than 10 years afterwards in 1987 the Ka-band frequency was approved for police detector use. Ka-band technology followed a wider range of frequencies from 33.4 through 36.0 GHz.

The Ka-Band is a higher frequency than the K-Band.

Within this range is the Ka-band at the lowest end, Ka-band with Photo, Wide Ka-band and Super-Wide Ka-band that describes a radar sweep within the entire Ka-band frequency range.

The Super-Wide sweep was developed in response to the more advanced police radar guns known as stalkers that can selectively used within the entire Ka-band frequency range.

The chase of radar detector technology has become a social discussion about rights of free choice and protection from those who break laws and harm others.
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Could someone please explain the difference between the two in regards to a speeding violation. When I think of lasers, I picture a rock concert or eye surgery. How do cops implement it ? Is it more reliable and accurate than radar ?

i had a Bel radar, which was what i thought a great bang for the buck 7 years ago. i got a ticket when i had it up and running, the cop was using radar. frustrated with the radar i threw it on the floor of the car another ticket, haha.

i then got a V1, and i have only gotten 2 tickets since then (3 years)...once was laser (instantaneous reading) and once was a pace (following me). other than that, my honda accord is ninjalike lol.
lots of differences radar =lower frequency sound waves,not specific when mutiple cars are in range.....laser=higher frequency light smaller field of view allows for a more specific target to be aquired,but needs a flat reflective surface like the front liscense plate.