LarryB and my CTSC


7 September 2000
Thanks to the fine, meticulous install of Larry Bastanza I have a screaming, shrieking CTSC. Every detail and nuance of the installation is simply perfect. In my over 35 years in the business of repairing cars I know of very few technicians that could be mentioned in the same breath as Mr. Larry Bastanza. Thank you Larry. I'm lucky to have met you, and proud to know you. My sincere appreciation and gratitude for the beautiful, exquisite job.

BTW, This thing is nuts.:biggrin:
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Well if it is going to be another LarryB man-love thread so be it!


Larry is the best. You all within 500 miles don't know how lucky you are!!! There is no way to thank him for all the patient and free advice he has given hundreds of people on this board and we are all smarter for it.
So I take it the ride home was fun:wink:

Thanks Joe for your comments, but I have to say Comptech deserves the lion's share of the credit. It is obvious why this kit continues to be at the top of the list.

Quality, packaging, instructions are all top shelf. After two test drives the car just runs perfect. No glitches, surging, sputtering at all. Joe installed a Fuel Pressure and Boost gauge, so we can see exactly what is going on. Boost is up to 3psi at 3K rpm, then climbs to 6+psi immediately if you stay in it. Also I find the new Autorotor setup to be pleasantly quiet, even at idle vs. the Whipple. Just putting around town:cool:, in third(short gears/4.23), getting up to 80-100mph is just effortless for this setup.

I have not heard ANY pinging what so ever, and it was 35 degrees here in the East yesterday. We are planning to get a dyno run to make sure all is safe A/F wise.

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Larry Bastanza said:
We are planning to get a dyno run to make sure all is safe A/F wise.
Looking forward to that! Nice job, LB - and congrats to you, Joe!:smile:
pbassjo said:
Joseph Lomoriello - Vince's Auto Body Works

BTW, This thing is nuts.:biggrin:

Welcome to the dark side, AEM and 9lb comming soon? GFCP claims another.

I cannot wait to pick mine up from my dealer. Although the charger install seemingly went well, the same cannot be said for the install of the front NSXR chassis bar (punctured rad). Lets just hope they get a new one in there fast because Im dyin over here!

Should be shipping from CA today to be installed Wed or Thurs. That will be almost 2 weeks without my car, sigh.
Congrats Joe, I'm jealous!!! All I have to do now is hang on to my NSX long enough to see my 14 month old and my yet unborn daughter make it through college before I'll have the disposable income to go FI :). Taking Don Gallo's car for a spin back in 2002 still haunts me.

My wife has been putting the pressure on me... don't you know my 91 is a 'timebomb' just waiting to blow up, and of course entirely unpractical for 2 kids and a wife, and being a 5-sp, the wife can't drive it in an emergency if I take her SUV.
pbassjo said:
Thanks to the fine, meticulous install of Larry Bastanza I have a screaming, shrieking CTSC. Every detail and nuance of the installation is simply perfect. In my over 35 years in the business of repairing cars I know of very few technicians that could be mentioned in the same breath as Mr. Larry Bastanza. Thank you Larry. I'm lucky to have met you, and proud to know you. My sincere appreciation and gratitude for the beautiful, exquisite job.

Joseph Lomoriello - Vince's Auto Body Works

BTW, This thing is nuts.:biggrin:

Is this just to make sure the next time you have a run in with a 360 you have the upper hand:biggrin:
robr said:
Congrats Joe, I'm jealous!!! All I have to do now is hang on to my NSX long enough to see my 14 month old and my yet unborn daughter make it through college before I'll have the disposable income to go FI :). Taking Don Gallo's car for a spin back in 2002 still haunts me.

My wife has been putting the pressure on me... don't you know my 91 is a 'timebomb' just waiting to blow up, and of course entirely unpractical for 2 kids and a wife, and being a 5-sp, the wife can't drive it in an emergency if I take her SUV.

Teach your wife to drive!!..if you cannot drive a manual you shouldn't have a licence...IMO:biggrin: :wink:
How much did the install and tune cost? I am trying to get an idea what I am in for if I spring for one of these things. You can PM me if you like. Thanks!
For install prices pm or call Larry B.
This is how this car should have come. It kicks.
What kind of boost/pressure gauges did you get and where did you mount them?
pbassjo said:
Thanks to the fine, meticulous install of Larry Bastanza I have a screaming, shrieking CTSC. Every detail and nuance of the installation is simply perfect. In my over 35 years in the business of repairing cars I know of very few technicians that could be mentioned in the same breath as Mr. Larry Bastanza. Thank you Larry. I'm lucky to have met you, and proud to know you. My sincere appreciation and gratitude for the beautiful, exquisite job.

BTW, This thing is nuts.:biggrin:

Pbassjo, first off congrats on your spankin new S/C and if I ever get out of med debt I am getting one so fast it would make your head spin! as for Larry B, I think a drive from FLA all the way up there would be money well spent.that guy must sleep with his service manual under his pillow and their is no substitute for real world experience that is obviously extensive to say the least.he's my first pick for a S/C install if he would have me for a client that is:eek:
Best Regards David
PS Is it cool if I pm you and pick your brain about some body work advise on my passenger door?
hey I want one!!! hahah :wink:

Passed Joe the other day in a rare nsx siting in Dutchess county and she sounded sawwwwwwwwwwwwweeeet!!