Larry Ellison is Evil Incarnate!
I'll be the last one to throw around dispersions, but LE has a vision of computing where everyone has a dumb internet terminal, no local storage of your files (read no data security), no local applications (you "subscribe" to them for a monthly fee) and a generic interface that everyone must endure. Ah, not while I'm breathing.
I come at this issue being the 15 year owner of an Apple Specialist group working in the ad/print/design space. My customers deal with 400+MB graphic files, 2+GB video files, multi-terrabyte storage systems, gigabit ethernet, multi-processor computers w/8GB of motherboard RAM - you get the picture.
As an Apple stock holder, I vote against him being on the board of Apple at avery opportunity, but he and Steve are old buddies and he's there forever most likely.
If you have money, that doesn't make you evil, but a lot of evil people end up with money!
Sorry about the rant.