Larry Ellison


Legendary Member
17 March 2001
St. Louis, Mo.
princxixor said:
Actually, from what I understand, the NSX is Ellison's shit car. Wish I could site sources, but I hear, his NSX has the same clearance as hit McLaren F1, so if he wants to take the McLaren out somewhere new, he'll first go in the NSX since he doesn't care if he scratches that up...

That’s hilarious! I used to like the guy, but the whole bogus attempt at a hostile takeover of PeopleSoft put me off a bit.
"Thats what money will do for you"

I disagree... Most self made people have contributed to society. Think about the people employed by Oracle. The products that create relationships and so forth...

Anybody who believes money is the root of all evil doesn't have enough...:D

I am a believer in capitalism and the USA is built on that belief. Just remember nobody is ENTITLED to money, a job, etc etc.. The self made had to go against a lot of odds to make their vision a reality. Its funny how the "employeed" feel they should have a better GUARANTEE... If you want something better, go get it.
You're right on blackcat.

It always amazes me how the "rich" are viewed in such a negative light.

People will go on about Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs, or whomever, but so many of these guys created their own wealth and also provided millions of jobs and wealth for others.

On a related note...

I don't know how many here happened to watch John Stossel's show on Friday night but it should be viewed by all.

It was great. I particularly liked the myth number 5 - how the rich don't pay their fair share.

PS: For those that did watch it...Rev Al Sharpton certainly came off as the fool, didn't he?

Larry Ellison is Evil Incarnate!


I'll be the last one to throw around dispersions, but LE has a vision of computing where everyone has a dumb internet terminal, no local storage of your files (read no data security), no local applications (you "subscribe" to them for a monthly fee) and a generic interface that everyone must endure. Ah, not while I'm breathing.

I come at this issue being the 15 year owner of an Apple Specialist group working in the ad/print/design space. My customers deal with 400+MB graphic files, 2+GB video files, multi-terrabyte storage systems, gigabit ethernet, multi-processor computers w/8GB of motherboard RAM - you get the picture.

As an Apple stock holder, I vote against him being on the board of Apple at avery opportunity, but he and Steve are old buddies and he's there forever most likely.

If you have money, that doesn't make you evil, but a lot of evil people end up with money!

Sorry about the rant.
