Lamborghini segment coming up on 60 Minutes

29 December 2010
Pittsburgh, PA
Very interesting looking segment featuring Lamborghini (50th anniv) on 60 Minutes. Just started. Am guessing it may be watchable later online but not sure and can't check.
I watched it. Pretty sweet. You would think he could pronounce Gallardo correctly. ;)
That was great, thank you for the heads-up :)
1 year wait......Whatever. That might be true for the Aventador but sure isn't true for the Gallardo.
Given it is named after Spanish fighting bulls, I always went for the Spanish pronunciation: ll = y.
Thanks for the heads up, I enjoyed that

Welcome! I did too. Learned a few things I didn't know about Lamborghini but then again I'll admit to not knowing too much about them in the first place. However the feelings inside that I got as a pre-teen from the white Countach poster and Farah Fawcett in red bikini poster I had on my walls have never left my system, so my ears still perk up when I hear Lamborghini on TV, lol... I really didn't know previously about the "Lamborghini line" that defined the hoodline and windscreen rake line..makes me want to sit in one now to see if the "far away bottom of the windscreen" gives me that same disconnected feel I had when driving a friend's 1994 Camaro, where the dashboard top seemed to stretch out to forever. I liked the sense that they're about keeping the hands-on passion in the cars first and foremost - no robots in the assembly process (wow) - and not about obsessing over certain minutia that I'm not convinced should matter as much as it does to some ($90k in fashionable custom bolts in some Paganis...all the shiny details on a Spyker C8...). I got a real kick out of hearing about the customer leather color options and seeing the leather install kits hanging on the racks for some reason...was hoping to hear the presenter drive a sesto elemento now that it's old news compared to the veneno, I can't wait to hear Top Gear's take on the veneno. After getting an OD of Diversity Training while working in the auto industry, seeing the casual take or indifference towards having all or mostly men on the assembly area vs. women on the interior/trim work area was real refreshing - I never quite bought into the whole promote-Diversity-but-it's-not-about-quotas thing...Sure we should be sure to include engineers of all diverse types where it matters like when designing a car's interior and touch points, but did we really need to ensure one of each from Noah's ark when designing an intermediate/reverse clutch about instead focusing on hiring really good engineers especially those who are car people, regardless of color/gender...What's next - ensuring sushi & taco & gyro restaurants on every Italian street block? OK so I digress... :) But that was really refreshing to see! I also got a real kick too out of the presenter be surprised to see people taking pictures of the car he was driving, like it's never happened before. I'm guessing he's a Prius guy and not a Porsche guy. The fact that maybe he's not a car guy is why I enjoy pieces like this one at times so much - much different perspective and presentation than if a car guy was doing it. Anyway, glad some caught it. Will have to see if 60 minutes replays it online.
I always found Lambo names to be pretty easy because they are named after something that actually exists. Ferrari nomenclature, however, is much more difficult. Like how the hell do you pronounce the Ferrari F360. Is it EFF-Three-Six-Tee? Or Ffff-Three-Six-Tee? Or is it Eff-Three-Six-DEE? Or Eff-Three-Hundred-and-Six-Dee? Ugh so confusing! Couldn't they have simplified it?
I thought it was Eff Three-Six-Zero or.....Eff Three-Six-Ohh..... Kinda confusing just like is it a Porsche Nine - Eleven or Nine-One-one.
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Thanks for the heads up!

I enjoyed this video too from them that they did in 1987:

<embed src="" scale="noscale" salign="lt" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" background="#333333" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="si=254&&contentValue=50158364&shareUrl=" height="279" width="425">

Some hilarious insights in that video:
Balboni was "licensed" to drive 150 mph+ on public roads?
At around the 12:15 mark - white Countach's are like beautiful virgins, red ones are like a mature woman, black ones are like an intriguing woman, lol!

I've never seen a Countach on the road and would probably drop my jaw if I did even though I finally own a truly world class sports car that "beats" the Countach in almost every way except for sheer audacity. Looks great in white... (subaruwrxfan on Youtube is a local kid who does a nice job with videos of test drives and local car meets.

<iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

Here's what happened to the vent in that video:

<iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>