Lamborghini hosting a drive event in Dallas 2/08/07

4 September 2006
New Orleans
Posted this in Off Topic, but I think it belongs here!
Going to Dallas Thrusday 2/8/07 to the Lamborghini drive event thats going on. Was wondering if anyone from here will be there. Gonna be held at the Gleneagles Country Club in Plano, then we will be going to the Lamborghini Dallas Dealer to shop. Anybody going?, or maybe want to go and didn't know about it? I will be taking the NSX. It might suck to drive the Gallardo's around then have to get back in my X, but maybe not! LOL
Thought I would post some pics of me and the wife at the event.









Thanks for the pics. What did you think about the car? Handling, ride, acceleration, quality of interior, transmission?

Thanks for the pics. What did you think about the car? Handling, ride, acceleration, quality of interior, transmission?


I love the car overall. I can only give a brief description because I was only in the car about 30 minutes. Handling seemed fine, the only problem I had was just like in most cars, going around a long fast curve that was bumpy the suspension was bottoming out a couple of times. That gets a little nerve wracking but the car had plenty of grip.
Acceleration was fantastic. NSX does not compare. The power just keeps coming and coming thoughout every gear.
Interior of course was incredible, it has Audi influence.
Transmission: E-gear, not my cup of tea.
In Auto mode it is jerky going though the gears. When it upshifts during normal acceleration it pauses (just like a manual would) to shift. It feels wierd because other Automactic trannys of course do not do this, they shift smooth, so you expect (seeing how you ARE in Auto mode) this car to do the same and it does not. Now, on the other hand Downshifting is cool as hell. It automactically blips the throttle on every downshift, sounds great.
In Manual mode is shifts like one would expect. Shifts are firm and quick. Pull the right one back to upshift and pull the left back to downshift. Downshifting is even more rewarding in Manual mode because you can downshift at higher RPM's which make the auto blip the car does much louder and pronounced that you will be doing it on purpose just so you can hear it and everyone else in earshot! I never quite got used to the lever pulling to change gears in the 30 minutes I was in it. It did not become second nature so I did not care for it. If I spent more time with it maybe I would, but maybe I would not. My wife did not like Auto mode at all, she never tried Manual mode. She's thinking 6 SP. as well as I.
The all Black hides some of the lines and intakes but looks very good, kinda reminds you of the Stealth Bomber.
All in all. a very cool car that I think is worth the money and I am working towards ownership a lil harder now.