Lambo maintenance??

15 February 2003
Fort Lauderdale
Is it true that the Lambo has to have about $11,000 in scheduled maintenance every 3,000 miles for oil, lube, and something about having to drop the motor out? 11,000 seems steep, but affordable if you can afford a lambo. Even $1,100 sounds steep.

Think this was a dumbass rumor believed by my *dumbass* self lol
Ive had Lambos for 5-6 years now, and have never heard of such a thing. As for oil changes, i do them myself, 20.00 for the filter, and 26.00 for a case of oil.
Good...Glad to know that!! Makes my 2004 goal of owning either a Diablo or a Murc. much more realistic

by the way, Allan, if that Lambo is yours by your name: beautiful car man!!
Originally posted by ALLAN:
five years old, still has stock clutch. No problems ever with anything, just oil changes.
How many miles do you have on it now? By the way, I just wanted to let you know I'm glad you still contribute to this board even though you sold your nsx.
I don't own a Lambo and have never drove one, but I did talk to the owners of a 2000
Diablo. They were not very happy with owning the car. They had mentioned that they just got the car out of the garage because the tranny went they had the brakes worked on or upgraded...40k to have the car fixed???? They also mentioned that their car is in the garage being worked on, more than it is on the road driving. They wanted to buy another exotic that they could drive when ever they wanted to. And of course they asked about my NSX. Anyway I kinda felt sorry for them, spending all that money and still not happy. I thought their Lambo was beautiful, nice paint sexy lines. I got to sit in it and I didn't like it, there is no room around the pedals to move your feet. They felt the same.

Joseph Gavazza
99 White/blk NSX
92 Lexus LS400
A couple years ago a Yellow 2000 Diablo showed up here in St. Louis for a track driver's ed. Very impressive looking and we all took many pictures. We were all glad to have him until his car broke down on the very first "hot" lap and had to be trailered off the track.

The owner was very used to it and was prepared with his 94' 911 speedster as a track backup.

Don't believe everything you read / contact a mechanic where there are a lot of Lambo's and ask them about maint. costs and reliability.

That said - under Audi it should get a lot better in a few years. Just like Jags got better under Ford.
Baloney. Talk to the Diablo owners on the Lambolist. Many use their cars daily, no one complains of unreliability. Many have been raced cross country in the Gumball, one has been raced in the Cannonball, i race my all the time and spray nos, it is my 3rd lambo, all with years of reliability.

The only way you will have a tranny problem, is if you dump the clutch constantly and try and powershift. This will kill any tranny, including the Nsx. Spending 40,000 to fix a Diablo, is just the owners stupidity. He must of had "IDIOT" written across his forehead.
I've never owned one myself, but I was curious about maint costs too. Check out this link I found:

Most owners here rate the Diablo somewhere between 8/10 to 10/10 for reliability. Most said they have had no major problems!

The worst I could find was someone having to put a new clutch in for $5000. While that is certainly expensive, it's not that bad when you consider I paid $2800 to put a Comptech PowerGrip 2 clutch in my X.

[This message has been edited by BB (edited 30 March 2003).]