Lakers got OWNED!!!

Fury, between you and me if we're San Diego Charger fans were screwed. If Marty can get us to 8-8 he's proably a genius. Sorry to vent, I've had tickets forever. :mad:
coolnsx said:
Fury, between you and me if we're San Diego Charger fans were screwed. If Marty can get us to 8-8 he's proably a genius. Sorry to vent, I've had tickets forever. :mad:
I know, I know. I'm a homer. Bolt fan. Padre fan. Aztec fan. Either way, I'll still for the loser local teams. :)

And back to the thread, I'm not much of a basketball fan, but given a choice, I like the Spurs and Lakers. However, those Pistons really handed the Lakers their *ss. 100% no contest.
The biggest disappointment for me is that the Lakers showed up for small spurts and just like Fisher said, the Pistons wanted it more and showed it more.

Take nothing away from the Pistons as they were unconscious last night when they had to be hitting shot after shot, nomatter who was shooting. But the Lakers played horrible many uncontested shots and gave up so many offensive rebounds and pointless STUPID turnovers early in the game.

Everyone is now saying that its not "whats wrong with the Lakers...the Pistons are whats wrong with the Lakers.." I dont buy it, and never will.

The Pistons ruled but at the same time, the Lakers played like garbage last night and most of the series. I'm not saying that had LA played better, they wouldve won the series. What I am saying, is that if they played like they did throughout the rest of the playoffs, it wouldve been more like Detroit in 6 or 7, and with 5-8 point victories...not 20 here, 10 there, almost up by 30 last night....etc...