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Re: Send lawyers, guns and money - W. Zevon

Happens a lot in the U.S. with old, small, general aviation airports too. 

Yep, ridiculous.  Just like so many other things when too much money and too many lawyers are available. 

Just to summarize the Laguna sound "budget".  The County allows a few pro events that have no sound limits.  Other race events, like SCCA, have sound limits that are highest (103) in mid day and less (down to 95, I think) early and late in the race day.  And so, the HPDEs are bottom of the totem pole;   and are always 92, to my knowledge.

Edit;  agreed that Laguna is not much fun anymore but,  IMHO,  due mostly to the huge MC friendly gravel traps.   Back when the economy was good and the formula/sports racer grid was 50+ cars, SCCA races often had more yellow laps than green while the tow trucks pulled cars out of the gravel just a few feet off the pavement.
