Korean War Part 2

13 April 2005
So what's everyone think? More rhetoric or do you think the situation in North Korea is going to turn into war? Will there be a preemptive strike from the North?

I'm actually going to South Korea later this month. It will be just my luck that if something were to happen, it's going to be the second I set foot on Korean soil. Oh the irony. :smile:
I honestly think its just some 30 year old dude trying to find his place. I just fear him when he has his mid life crisis in 15 years. Nothing will happen and he'll fade off.
I think Rodman needs to go back and broker a deal.....hey Vegas....if the North knows your coming over they will most likely stand down for fear of reprisal .
He's a nut. He worries me.
Wars have started over less. But I have a hard time believing China is going to let their poodle get too out of hand w/o a good reason.

Strictly for altruistic reasons, I can store your turbo and guns until you get back. Just lemme know...
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The thing that bothers me isn't the short term, will he attack with his water guns and slingshots.
What scares me is if we ignore the situation, how are these threats going to feel in 5 years when he has nukes and the methods to hit us.
I travel to South Korea regularly. Those that live there are used to this talk. I asked a friend if it was any worse and he said really it is not. I was their last year during the joint exercise and same tensions arose. That being said I don't particularly like going to South Korea so may use this to push off my next trip that was scheduled for this month.
I say we drop a tactical low yeild Nuke and say " any more questions" if Reagan was President it would have been taken care of long ago.

did you know Gadafi was suporting terrorists and Reagan said you better stop funding them. they found out he was still funding terror so reagan dropped bombs on all of Gadafi's palace's

funding for terror stopped. Reagan had Balls current pres not so much.

Just sayin

Lets free the north and end the bloodshed of Korean's
5,000 tons of chemical weapons, 10-20 functioning nuclear warheads, and the largest standing army in the world with some of the world's best special forces among them, well fed or not, is a force to reckon with.

The country knows 1/2 to 2/3 of its people are starving or could be starving at any time due to a bad storm, poor crop yield etc. That's 6-16 million people. If you think the same leadership cares about sending those people to their death in war, you know something I do not. I learned a long time ago not to underestimate the power of the ego. I don't think their 'fearless leader' is the primary decision maker, I think it is the military complex that he must oblige in order to stay in power.

I saw the highlights of some interesting war game simulations done by actual militaries (google doesn't think militaries is a word oddly enough) including the ROK and U.S. The U.S./ROK win but causalities meet or exceed those of WWI.
I'm actually going to South Korea later this month. It will be just my luck that if something were to happen, it's going to be the second I set foot on Korean soil. Oh the irony. :smile:
If you don't make it back I'm callin' dibs on your NSX! :tongue:

Good luck big B! :eagerness:
I saw Olympus Down last week. Those Koreans (Johnny Tran) are bad ass. Don't disrespect his famiry.
what he's doing to us is about the same thing that Iran is doing to Israel. I kinda wish the North Korean people would over throw this poser but I would be fearfull of what will replace him.
I think Rodman needs to go back and broker a deal.....hey Vegas....if the North knows your coming over they will most likely stand down for fear of reprisal .

Actually, that's why going. I'm being sent to the DMZ so I can flex my guns for about an hour. Except, I've been neglecting my workouts lately so it may not have the same intended reactions. Maybe the comic relief will ease tensions. :smile:

If you don't make it back I'm callin' dibs on your NSX! :tongue:

Good luck big B! :eagerness:

Already claiming parts before I even bite it. Reminds me the time I left my office in Vegas and I had yellow post it notes all over my office of equipment people were going to "vulture" several days before I was even schedule to leave. :smile:

I'll add you to the list. Or maybe I'll just have to give each person on the list a part. I'll bequeath you my front left fender and headlamp. :smile:
He's a nut. He worries me.

Actually he is very "sane" and he is playing the same card as his father. Rattle the West and South Korea with potential irrational behavior (using the guise of nuclear weapons) and receive monetary/food concessions. That is exactly what was done the last time; the West is a sucker for such rattling.
I wouldn't consider a person who runs a country where 1/3 the population is starving, or one that continues to detonate nuclear weapons sane. Insanity comes in many forms. Killing innocent people in any way is a form of it to me.

- - - Updated - - -

You do know they have detonated several nuclear weapons as "tests", right? That radiation doesn't fully stay under ground. If he was sane he would be making an effort to improve the lives of his own people. Don't you think?
Actually he is very "sane" and he is playing the same card as his father. Rattle the West and South Korea with potential irrational behavior (using the guise of nuclear weapons) and receive monetary/food concessions. That is exactly what was done the last time; the West is a sucker for such rattling.

I think he is a nut job. Nothing same about him. A leader should take care of his people, not let them stave to death.

Again, I think it is time we drop a small nuke on them and then tell the world they had an accident trying to develop their own nukes. ;)
Dave, read my comment anew where "sane" was in quotations. You are also imposing your western values on what is considered "sane" or not in certain parts of the world ........ not that I am disagreeing with you. Having said this, they are better chess players precisely because they don't care if half their country is starving or deprived of the same liberties that we take for granted here. If their strategy meets the Politburo's goal(s) whatever those may be, they will continue to implement it. Power begets more power and greed.

The simplest way to take someone's leverage is to take the leverage away. I don't believe the west has the stomach for it.
If they develop the capability to reach California with a long range nuclear missile, what then?
I'm gonna get drunk,and watch team america world police,while shivering in fear in my closet...
If they develop the capability to reach California with a long range nuclear missile, what then?

Good question if you "really" feel threatened and not just falling into their regular posturing game to eek out some concessions. Both sides are wagging their tails and some of it is for local consumption .............. but if you believe this is for real, then NetViper offers a good one :eek:

...... Again, I think it is time we drop a small nuke on them and then tell the world they had an accident trying to develop their own nukes. ;)

Except for the fact that the USA has massive troops stationed at the North/South border to keep the peace ........ one would think there is no "other" reason/excuse for North Korea to play this game of having a missile with range reaching the west coast. But now we are getting into the weeds of foreign policy .....

An just as an fyi, after you use NetViper's "accident" excuse, let's not have self adulating bravado bragging news releases and politicking with movie, TV and book rights .........
