knocking sound at 40 mph and 60 mph

19 March 2003
Lately I have been hearing this knocking sound as if my CV joints are bad but they are not busted. At a 40 roll and easy driving I can hear it then sometimes it wil go away. Also at 60mph it does it again occasionally at different rpm's and mph's. This is when i am going straight. I have jacked up my car and inspected everything. Seems fine, it is a worry I would like to get fixed.

any info.

Very hard to diagnose these things without hearing and feeling them. You mention hearing it when going straight. Does it change as you turn left or right at those speeds. (need to test on long sweeping turns or clover leaf ramp) Do you hear a clunk when fist letting out the clutch from a stop? How about if you cruise in 2nd gear and get lightly on then off the throttle? Bad joints may tend to clunk under those conditions. What seems odd is that it makes noise only at two specific speeds. But more testing and observing under various conditions is always a good start. When you jack it up, grab the tire on either side and rotate sharply one direction then the other. Does is clunk? Compare to the other side. Unfortunately most of my experience is on cars with old-fashioned U-joints in the half-shafts so I’m not sure how these act when they fail. Larry or DanO, you out there?

Also think about wheel bearings, which can make considerable noise, although it would still be odd that the sound is only at a couple speeds.
I just replaced the inner CV joint on my '91. The knocking came at about 2-3k rpm in any gear when I applied medium acceleration. Obviously from the rear and would happen going straight or turning. You should be able to distingush if right or left side. It was very obvious with mine. I would look to the CV joint first. You should have this checked out right away. Potentially hazardous consequences if it breaks at speed.

THanks for the replies. I didnt get a chance to drive the car today due to rain but, I mainly hear it on the right side (passenger) I know i need to change my driver side outer tire rod but the clunking sound is only when i am going straight and not when im turning at all. I have thorouly checked the cv boots and shafts and they are 100% good. This week sounds like a good week to tear apart someof the car and see whats going on. I will post with an update on findings.

Strange Noise?

Today, I just discovered that it was my engine cover that is getting a bit loose which created some clunking noise. I have not fixed it totally but after I make some clothe cushion to test it out, it was fixed. Not sure if that is relevant. It is probably due to aged rubber sealing.