Kitty in need of a good winter coat Hilarious!

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
My sister-in law is from Oklahoma and has a slight accent. She has cats and when she lived in the south she would take them to the groomers and have what is called a Line Cut. To her a line cut is when all of the fur hanging down below the cat's tummy is taken off (because it gets matted or snarled).

When she moved to Chicago with my brother, one of the cats fur got all tangled up during the move so she took it in for a line cut. She was quite surprised when she heard the price as it was twice as much as it was down south. She confirmed with the groomer that he understood what a line cut was and he said "yes, I know what a LION cut is." It seems her accent came
out sounding like LION not LINE and this is how her cat was returned to her.(see photos) She cried for a week...but not as much as the cat. It was November in Chicago and the cat needed all the fur it had."

Lion not Line cut.jpg

The only thing funnier than one is a house full.
My mom used to be a Persian cat breeder. Every spring all the cats (except show-goers) got the buzz clip.
Awww, KellyJoe. You're a party pooper, I really thought it was Tiger's sister's cat! Thanks for the link though. ;)
PHOEN$X said:
Awww, KellyJoe. You're a party pooper, I really thought it was Tiger's sister's cat! Thanks for the link though. ;)

No intentions to be a party pooper but just had to share. There are some very funny ones out there though.