Killer high def video

Wow, apparently my P4 2.4GHz system w/128MB nVidia Ti4200 AGP 8X video card isn't adequate enough to handle the playback, some of the videos were pretty jerky. It may be time to investigate overclocking...

Better than DVD quality? Oh yeah.
My PC is hardcore enough. i was up to the challenge.

The 1028 looks pretty good on my 22" CRT & 3GHz CPU. I won't rant - nobody likes someone to rave on about their own equipment.

The trick though is if your PC is slow, Windows Media Player will reduce playback quality. So you may think you're watching HQ video... but it's not really. For example, i tried playing this off a slow network drive at work (no WAY it should have kept up with the bandwidth) but it did... :) Now how did it do that??? :roll: Also, despite the super-high resolution, WMV is COMPRESSING the image... which effects the sharpness. I think DVD is still "spunky monkey" enough for me. :D

edit: there were a couple of very quick scenes which still had blockiness. anyone else get this?
The same movie I played on my desktop would not play on my P4 2.4ghz laptop. Plus I believe the videos use a special codec to play them which will determine the quality, like you would need divx codecs to view divx movies.
<B>demigod</B> : that's a bling bling avatar. ;) You need Windows Media Player v9 installed -- nothing special. <A HREF="">download here</A>
NeoNSX said:
<B>demigod</B> : that's a bling bling avatar. ;) You need Windows Media Player v9 installed -- nothing special. <A HREF="">download here</A>

Hehe thanks buddy, I have winows media player 9. :D