killed in prison: man convicted of drunk driving murder

10 April 2000
Silicon Valley
this guy was convicted of dui numerous times before killing a little girl while he was drunk-driving a motorcycle. incarcerated in san quentin 10 days ago, he was soon killed by another prisoner.

story is here.
I like when things just work themselves out on their own. Now we just need to find another murderer inmate to take care of this guy. Then find another murderer inmate to take care of that guy and so on and so forth.
Pretty cool tats on old Frank.:eek::confused::rolleyes:
I say just let this guy keep killing douche bags. Our tax dollars support these people and there are alot of deserving inmates, so I'm looking for efficiency.

Imagine seeing this dude, with has sweet tats, stepping into your cell. The thought of your throat meeting the business end of a sharpened spoon (among other things, I'm sure :wink:) must be awesome.

Cheers to this guy.
+1 for the dirtbag murder convict killing another murder convict. Although I can't condone that the dirtbag is a racist.
I have to say I was not sad when I heard of this incident. Justice has been served.
thx for these words, cairo - they reflect my sentiments exactly but was unable to form them as clearly as you have. (yeah, i know: you're a lawyer and words are your business :)