Kids Day July 27, 2011 - Watkins Glen - Photos

28 March 2002
A perfect weather day to take a brave group of children around the track at Watkins Glen. These children were from around the world and all are afflicted with cancer in various forms. It is difficult to describe the feelings one has when one of these special children is sitting in your car grinning ear to ear as you go around the track at speeds they will be bragging about to all their friends.

More photos will be uploaded later but for now here is this year's group of amazing kids.

Thanks to all of of NSXCA members who came out again for this great cause.

This is one brave young girl getting into my car
When I asked her if she is a cancer survivor, she said "not yet", and raised her hat to show some very short hair -- the result of chemo.
She had an ear-to-ear smile after her few laps around the track.
This is why I go to Kid's Day. There's simply few things in life that are as rewarding.

This is one brave young girl getting into my car
When I asked her if she is a cancer survivor, she said "not yet", and raised her hat to show some very short hair -- the result of chemo.
She had an ear-to-ear smile after her few laps around the track.
This is why I go to Kid's Day. There's simply few things in life that are as rewarding.

Camp Good Days posted this pic on their facebook page:


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Camp Good Days posted this pic on their facebook page:

The girl's name is Stella. Her mom wrote this in response to receiving the photo as a message to her phone today:

"Thanks for texting me this photo today - It really made my day to see Stella smiling and happy! I really hope she didn't puke in one of those beautiful cars "
Such a wonderful day. Best event in the club. Great to see everyone again. Thanks for squeezing me in Bob on last minute dinner plans. Food was delicious.

Each kid today touched my heart, especially little Jessica, a 9 year old that showed me the large scars on her legs from the surgery. She laughed all the way around the track that I had all I could do to keep the line while driving. When she got out of the car, I took off my brand new Acura hat that was given to me one hour earlier, and placed it on her head. She immediately ran to show it off to her friends while I was trying to shake off the chills and get it all together again for the next passenger.
A perfect weather day to take a brave group of children around the track at Watkins Glen. These children were from around the world and all are afflicted with cancer in various forms. It is difficult to describe the feelings one has when one of these special children is sitting in your car grinning ear to ear as you go around the track at speeds they will be bragging about to all their friends.

More photos will be uploaded later but for now here is this year's group of amazing kids.

Thanks to all of of NSXCA members who came out again for this great cause.

Mrs. Roadkilchef and I want to extend our thanks to all who helped put this together. Being part of this event is such a rewarding experience and we appreciate the opportunity to have been a part of it. The giggling each lap around the track is something I'll always remember.

On our way to the track we stopped into Happy Trails Souvenirs and Gifts at the intersection of the 14 & 414, explained we were looking for a little something to hand out to the kids, and before we knew it Sandy had gathered up a dozen Watkins Glen frisbees, bookmarks and shirt pins and warmly told us these were her contribution to the children. Just want to make all aware of her kind generosity and ask tat the next time you find yourself in the shop to please share your thoughts with Sandy or owner John. Of note, the little girl with the flowered hat frank had the pleasure of escorting around the track was thrilled to receive Sandy's giftsm along with many others. :smile:

Happy Trails Souvenirs & Gifts
Sandy Marino, John Marino
407 South Franklin Street
Watkins Glen
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Great pics as always Bob. This year there was a small group from the Dominican Republic and although my spanish is pretty limited The universal weeehaaa as we ascended the esses was well understood.
thanks Bob for proving I was not dreaming....Its fun to watch a car work in the hands of a pro.
thanks Bob for proving I was not dreaming....

From the Corning newspaper:

"After giving rides, the sports car owners with TrackMasters were scheduled to spend Wednesday afternoon and today racing.

Among them were a pair of NASCAR Sprint Cup drivers, David Reutimann and Michael McDowell. The drivers signed up for TrackMasters to get some extra practice time on the road course in preparation for the upcoming Sprint Cup race, set for Aug. 14, said TrackMasters owner Bill Schultz."
carla looks like she is working that wheel ...and Don looks like he did'nt put his helmet on all the way.....:eek:
Thanks for sharing, very nice and emotional event. I'm delighted to see it, thanks again. :)
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Great video, as I tell everyone, this is the event where you get more than you give!!!!

Thanks for all the great photos and thanks everyone for attending. I Can't wait until next year to do it all over again. See y'all at NSXPO...
