Key-less entry question

19 May 2003
Green, New Jersey

I was just wondering, is there any way to make the horn sound and/or the lights flash while arming the system? It is hard to see if the system actually armed unless I stare into the windows and look for the lock knob to retract and security light to flash. It stinks if you are at a distance and forget to lock the doors, you have to walk all the back to double check.


Well I guess there is no way to do it without adding it myself. Kinda stinks, since my buddy's S2000 has the feature built right into it, actually, so does almost every other factory alarm on the market. I guess for $88,000 they couldn't squeeze that function into the budget (sometimes as much as I love this car Honda confuses me with their decisions):confused: Thank you very much for the instructions, I will modify the system this weekend.


From the linked DIY, "I do not recommend chirping the horn relay or Flashing the head lights, as every time you use your power locks even from the door lock switch the horn will
chirp or the head lights will flash. Again this problem can be eliminated but would require additional relays, diode and a connection made within the Keyless
Entry Module."

The doc recommends just flashing the brake lights which is fine as long as you're always behind it when locking.
Re: thanks

jadkar said:
Well I guess there is no way to do it without adding it myself. Kinda stinks, since my buddy's S2000 has the feature built right into it, actually, so does almost every other factory alarm on the market. I guess for $88,000 they couldn't squeeze that function into the budget (sometimes as much as I love this car Honda confuses me with their decisions):confused: Thank you very much for the instructions, I will modify the system this weekend.



Give the NSX a break. It's from the 80's. =)

All newer Honda factory alarm systems blink their lights and honk their horns.
one more comment :)

Hey, don't get me wrong I absolutely love my NSX. They could take the whole key-less entry thing out and I would still love the car. I have waited a very long for one. However, after working in the automotive industry for many years (including 2 honda and 1 acura dealers) and owning 9 hondas at one point or another I feel that even though the car was designed in the "late" 80s they could have changed out the alarm CPU when the new one was introduced in the S2000. I mean come on the cost wouldn't have been that substantial, they probably wouldn't even need to change much besides the plug. The "S" is even made on the same asembly line!! I know they didn't produce many NSXs, but for the price I almost think they owe it to us loyalists (or lunatics, take your pick).



PS: I luv my NSX !!!!!