keN SaX Tribute

28 March 2002
At our banquet tonight during NSXPO 2012, we paid tribute to keN SaX, "NSXTASY", for his contributions to the NSXCA and our community all these years and recognized his invaluable assistance by making him the First Lifetime Member of the NSXCA.

Thank you Ken!

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Great video and a well-deserved lifetime membership. Funny, I was just reviewing many of Ken's informative posts on tires today!

Congratulations Ken!

Very well deserved. Ken has always been very friendly and helpful to me over the years. Congratulations Ken!
they made sure he missed his NSX by doing a secret route that was at break neck speeds (undisclosed MPH :eek:) and was over 201 miles long.

this group: 3 Black NSX's and one Brooklands green NSX

I am sure since he was in the lead car he was holding back his fear of death and def was missing his NSX.

As I though we were on a rollercoaster from Hell and we were gonna arrive in hell at any second.

I Will never forget this drive as long as I live neither will my NSX.

I was the last car, some of the time and would do it again.

thanks for letting me join the big dogs. it was awesome.

I must say the lead driver was a master of carving new lines

bad ass.
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Ken served many years in a thankless job .....and now The Don gets to be bitched to and not thanked:eek: Clubs and such need folks like Ken to be the nucleus around which new people will step up and take the responsibility for running things.Same goes to all our delegates and esp El Presidente!Great slide show Bob! Really wish I was there:frown:
A well done tribute to Ken. Long overdue and well deserved. It was a great reminder that without Ken, there would be no NSXCA, NSXPO and probably no Prime (with all due respect to the great job Lud has done). All of us who have enjoyed our NSX's as well as the groups and forums that bring us together can thank Ken for getting things off the ground.
I think it is hilarious that you included the "Dali Ken Sax Voodoo Doll" in the photo montage.

Ken Sax is one of the best extras I got from owning a NSX and joining the NSXCA. He has helped me many times and I so so pleased that he has decided to stay in the fold. I think this man is wonderful and so deserving of this tribute. Bravo to the NSXPO committee for doing this and thank you Ken for all the heart and soul you have put in your service with NSXCA and your informative posts on NSXPrime.
Well deserved, Mr. Sax. Thank you for all of your efforts in that thankless and underappreciated position.

Now all he needs is an NSX. ;)
Congratulations Ken and thank you for always sharing your encyclopaedic knowledge with the community. I wish I was able to be there and celebrate with you. Alas, the pink dress will have to wait for a future NSXPO! :)
Congratulations Ken! It was great seeing you again at NSXPO. Sorry I had to cut my trip short, and missed the banquet dinner and your tribute. I will see you again at a future NSXPO.
Thanks, everyone!

I was shocked - SHOCKED! - at the banquet when I was given this award. I was more breathless than I was at Alpine Visitor Center on the mountain drive! :) But I managed to give a few remarks, about how sixteen years of NSXPO, and the NSX Club of America, evolved out of Denver and that first NSXPO fifteen years ago. That's a lot of people, having a lot of fun, making a lot of friends, all arising from that one event. NSXPO '97 was something of an experiment; when I was making all the arrangements, I had no idea how many people (or even if anyone else) would show up. But it was well attended, with 80 people and 50 NSXs and 33 of them on the racetrack, and like most of the NSXPOs ever since, it was more fun than anyone could have possibly expected. Except for that little detour in Sterling. :biggrin:

Thanks again!
Congrats Ken! Was very nice meeting / chatting with you :)
See you next year at NSXPO 2013 :biggrin:
At our banquet tonight during NSXPO 2012, we paid tribute to keN SaX, "NSXTASY", for his contributions to the NSXCA and our community all these years and recognized his invaluable assistance by making him the First Lifetime Member of the NSXCA.

Thank you Ken!

Very nice! Congratulations, Ken, on this well deserved recognition!


^Here you are in March 2009, checking out my 2005 NSX for me, in Chicago. I had never met you before but you were happy to help me and I'll always appreciate it. And that was some great Chicago style pizza we had afterward.
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There would be no NSXCA but for keN SaX.
Thank you!
'Nuff said.
Ken, congrats on a well-deserved tribute. We've yet to meet but it's safe to say that you're one of the pillars of the NSX community and it's our good fortune that you're still hanging with us. As others have said, now all you need is another NSX!