Scammers are using compromised Prime member accounts to pose as a trusted seller in the marketplace. Before you enter into a deal with any seller, follow these tips to keep yourself safe. If you encounter one of these scammers, please report them immediately and we will lock their account.

    Caveat Emptor!

keldon1983-DONT BUY FROM HIM!

21 January 2004
New Brunswick, NJ
Im a pretty easy going guy but im at the point where its just ridiculous. I gave the kid a check for $130 dollars for a set of set rails before I left for NSXPO (Oct 7 ish). The check was cashed and I still havent got my rails. I knew it was a good deal but seriously... I even paid in advance. I seen the quality of Prime members going down hill for over a year now and this (IMO) is the icing on the cake. Id exect this from HONDA-TECH.com but for a high-line exotic car like the NSX; I expected differently. If anyone knows this clown or how to track him down, let me know.
Did you mail a check? If so, you can file for mail fraud if it comes down to it. You don't mess with the US Postal Service. :eek:
Re: When prepay goes wrong

Shumdit said:
Should that O have been a P or a L? :biggrin:

Great catch, funniest thing I've seen in awhile.

Bridge, I hope you get that punk. Payback is a bitch.
rbirling said:
Did you mail a check? If so, you can file for mail fraud if it comes down to it. You don't mess with the US Postal Service. :eek:

I mailed him a check and Ive been calling all day and he refuses to talk to me.
update: Mr. John Gao refuses to p/up the phone. Wimp. Now lets all call him. Remember *67 is your friend :wink:
Seat Rails were recieved today :biggrin: Sent out on the 10th of November :wink:
92NSX said:
Guess somebody :rolleyes: was reading this thread then.

something like that :cool:
92NSX said:
never underestimate the power of the internet and a public forum with a close knit group of people. :biggrin:

Id like to thank everyone here for helping. This community is great and im proud to be a member of NSXPRIME :biggrin: Much love to all of you :wink:
The moral of the story..... Dont buy from this moron; after all this non-sense-they arent even the right rails! :eek:
92NSX said:
NO WAY !!!! :eek: :mad:

Yes Way :biggrin: I dont even care anymore :smile: