
3 March 2005
Houston TX
Just wanted to offer my condolences to all the prime members that were affected by the hurricane.

I don't even know what to say. I just watched a video feed of LA, and just seeing the damage-it was terrifying.
NSXFreak00 said:
Just wanted to offer my condolences to all the prime members that were affected by the hurricane.

I don't even know what to say. I just watched a video feed of LA, and just seeing the damage-it was terrifying.

Same here. I'm in Miami and thought it was bad not having electricity for four days. I cannot even imagine how MS and LA are doing. My blessings are extended as well.
RP-Motorsports said:
Our great nation is suffering enough, and then there are bastards that pull this down there! :eek:

What the heck?!?! That is how people get shot! :mad:
I will be sending food-can tommorow. Do what I can! man, it hurts to think about it - All those people. Do something, American.
All our condolences from Spain. Our hearts are with you. Where can we send money?
Profesorfate said:
All our condolences from Spain. Our hearts are with you. Where can we send money?

Thankyou for your kindness! I am sure if you get in touch with the Red Cross or orther organization of Relief service in beautiful Spain, you will be able to know where to send it. Take care!
Disasters like this bring out the best and the worst in people. For all the negative press, there are plenty of positive stories coming out the disaster zone.

btw, i am donating through savethechildren.org and the red cross. I find savethechildren to give me more "return on investment"
NSX/MR2 said:
Thankyou for your kindness! I am sure if you get in touch with the Red Cross or orther organization of Relief service in beautiful Spain, you will be able to know where to send it. Take care!

Donation made to American Red Cross, thanks.
My Company is matching our donations at a rate of 2:1 for every dollar over $25
Give $25 + Companies $50= they get $75-
Money is tight, but I am going to get in on this- If I could afford to give $20 to NetVipers Paint- I can go a whole lot extra to help my fellow man.

They are matching up to the allowed annual contribution limit of $500 for a total donation amout of $1500

Is anyone elses company doing this?

I also put my name in for catastophy duty if they need it (I work for an insurance company)

Prayers for all those people who were affected- the news was on at lunch- the devastation is unbelievable. I hope the aid effort gets some sort of infrastructure together soon. It looks like help is on the way, but they are having a hard time figuring out how to use it.

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NSXLuvr said:
Disasters like this bring out the best and the worst in people. For all the negative press, there are plenty of positive stories coming out the disaster zone.
This is so true.

H-carWizKid said:
My Company is matching our donations at a rate of 2:1 for every dollar over $25... Is anyone elses company doing this?
That's fantastic. While my employer does not have a matching campaign at this time, they have made a large corporate donation and is encouraging all employees to participate, as well. They are also helping out with infrastructure support at the refugee centers.

I lived in New Orleans a few years ago. The city and its people mean a lot to me. Thanks Profesorfate, randomharmony, Philip, Yellow Rose, and everyone else for the generosity.
Go to wlbt.com there are a few helicopter flights over the MS gulf coast. The were a few places (WAVELAND) that were completely wiped out. There are 3 different video clips , the 3rd shows Waveland . These are awesome clips you don't see on TV.
Kinda hectic here in H-town. Houston has opened up the Astrodome, Reliant Stadium, and the George R Brown convention center for all the refugees coming into town. Currently we have 17,000 people here now in the Astrodome with buses coming in everyday. Estimated to have 100,000 refugees here from Katrina.

Unfortunately, we don't have enough police officers to control some of the people. Cars are getting broken into, a volunteer was carjacked, had a rape and a lot of people have been caught with guns, knives, and bayonetts :eek:

Hopefully, we won't need marshal law in Houston. Everyone is doing the best they can with what they've got.
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Wheelman said:
Kinda hectic here in H-town... Unfortunately, we don't have enough police officers to control some of the people. Cars are getting broken into,...

I'd leave the NSX at home in that case.

My company matches 1 to 1 up to $500k.

Hopes and prayers go out from San Diego to all those effected by this disaster. I met a really cool lady whlle in Jamaica who lived out to New Orleans. Cell phones out there still don't seem to work so I'm not sure if she's okay...but here's to hoping she is.

We'll have to get numbers at some point in time of all the flooded NSX's...but that's of little importance right now. :frown:
Hey guys,

thanks to all of you who donated to the relief funds. I really do appreciate it. I lived in Arabi, LA which is about 2 miles east of New Orleans and about 5 miles from the French Quarter. My house is totally underwater now.

My wife and I were able to evacuate on Sunday to Atlanta. We had enough time to get some clothes together and a few personal things, grab our pets ( a cat and a lab) and drive out of the city. We are safe and all of our family members are accounted for. So for that I am very thankful.

Becuase we brought the pets, we had to take two cars. So both the Element and the NSX are safe.

Thanks again,

Sorry to hear of your loss, but glad to hear you are safe.