Kangamangus Drive Weekend of 6/15/2012

21 September 2002
Lawrence, MA
Hey guys,

This weekend seems like the perfect weekend for a scenic drive. I never driven through the Kangamangus Highway since weather messed up our last attempt. Wondering if some of you NH and MA guys are available to meet up Friday, Saturday, or Sunday for a drive? If not I still may go just to check it out. If anyone is interested please reply.
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I think I got a route. My total trip should be close to 6 hours since I'm coming from Mass but some of you NH guys probably live right around there so it wouldn't be so long.

<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Unknown+road&daddr=43.9501868,-71.8681028+to:43.99053,-71.20261+to:43.88041,-71.401+to:Unknown+road&geocode=FQgOlwIdCfe7-w%3BFWqgngIdOmG3-ynHGwIsV5q0TDH8q0PxadENhg%3BFQI-nwIdzojB-ykBfzCEHwuzTDEMHynXhjHxkA%3BFdqPnQId2IG--ynHX6iWzm2zTDHG4bsgSfPacA%3BFSENlwIdXfW7-w&sll=43.41204,-71.52324&sspn=1.687906,4.22699&t=h&hl=en&mra=mrv&via=1,2,3&ie=UTF8&ll=43.41204,-71.52324&spn=1.687906,4.22699&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=embed&saddr=Unknown+road&daddr=43.9501868,-71.8681028+to:43.99053,-71.20261+to:43.88041,-71.401+to:Unknown+road&geocode=FQgOlwIdCfe7-w%3BFWqgngIdOmG3-ynHGwIsV5q0TDH8q0PxadENhg%3BFQI-nwIdzojB-ykBfzCEHwuzTDEMHynXhjHxkA%3BFdqPnQId2IG--ynHX6iWzm2zTDHG4bsgSfPacA%3BFSENlwIdXfW7-w&sll=43.41204,-71.52324&sspn=1.687906,4.22699&t=h&hl=en&mra=mrv&via=1,2,3&ie=UTF8&ll=43.41204,-71.52324&spn=1.687906,4.22699" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
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the drive is one of my favorites. Don't forget to pull over at some of the rest stops along the Saco River hike a short way and enjoy the amazing views. Unfortunately I'm not available this weekend but I'm envious of anyone who joins you for this very fun and beautiful drive :cool:
Sorry I'd love to take that mini road trip (done the Kangamagus many times), but I'll be up in North Conway with my grandsons for Father's Day weekend. Would also like to get back for German Day at Lars Anderson on Sunday!
Hey Anthony, I was really thinking about trying to go tomorrow. But then I remembered it's bike week, and I can only imagine that it will be pretty packed with motorcycles. I think I'm going to hold off for a different weekend.

But I'm deifnitely down for a cruise sometime if I'm not busy, if you don't mind my inferior car, haha. :cool:

Re: Kangamagus Drive Weekend of 6/15/2012

Oh jeez I didn't know it was bike week. Hm... I might have to reconsider this then I don't want to go when the roads are packed with extremely loud Harleys lol. Maybe I'll hold off on this drive and set up a day for a group drive another date that works for everyone. We got all summer right so there is no rush.

Wick: I'm assuming your going to bring the sweet BMW :D. I bet your going to get an trophy.

GoldKnight22: I don't mind if you wanted to tag along. The more the merrier :D.
I requested the day off of work and didn't really have anything planned for the day so I ended up doing the drive by myself since I had nothing better to do. I enjoyed the drive and the NSX really is comfortable for long drives. My back doesn't hurt at all, only my arms a bit tired but that was expected :D. Also ran into a Black Nissan Skyline GTR on my way back. We cruised together for a while down 93S until he had to go his own way. I have to say in motion the Skyline does look nice.

The route just west of 93N is awesome. It was curvy, steep, and little traffic. My brakes had a nice workout after that section of the route. The rest of the route east of 93N was nice but there was a lot more cars/motorcycle that way. At a certain point I gave up trying to give myself some extra room to play with since I was just catching up way to often. I didn't get many pictures of the drive but did get one with the NSX in it.
