K40 Radar Detectors...

17 December 2001
Portland, Or
I stayed up all night debating putting my K40 radar detector back in my new car. It was in the red car and I pulled it out prior to selling it, as I had the interiors out of both cars to swap black/ivory.

I have read every thread in this forum and many others. Most do not even mention the k40 other than the occasional post from Hejo who seems pretty happy with his so far. Most everyone recommends the V1, 8500, or Bel 980.

The only benefit of this detector is it is very hard to steal out of the car. (To clarify I have the 3000 series Undetectable F/R with Laser.) I enjoy the install work as it gives you the flexibility to mount the pezo speakers f/r anywhere in the car as well as the LEDs for front and rear. Further, I have spent a lot of time mounting those parts in the heater vents, rear sp., and leds in the clock. Very stealthy!

So why would I not want this $1000.00 device it my new car...

1) It will not shut up. Good if you need something to listen to when the Bose fails...

2) It will not pick up Ka bank in from the rear. The $200 Bel has this base covered!

3) The technology rivals Banyan Vines... In other words it is OUTDATED technology that needs to be updated or pulled off the market.

4) If I drive anywhere near another car with a K40 installed (Florin, Etc) it FREAKS OUT! I have to shut it off. Not to mention other radar units.

5) I can not believe I have not talked myself out of putting it in the car.

6) The front detector unit has no 'ears' for installation. I d/l the install manual and it shows the complex-nylon-tie-method of installation.

7) The laser detector is worthless, once detected you are pegged.

The point here, if you own one of these it is an OK unit for free. It has OK test results for detecting certain bands in certain situations. The units sit so low in the car it is hard to get a good read.

DO NOT EVER consider buying one of these for retail. Someone will probably give you one for free. I have to say it... they suck!

[This message has been edited by NSX_PDX (edited 06 February 2002).]
I think something may be wrong with your detector. I also have the K40 in my NSX but an Escort remote in my Audi. The K40 detection is the same as the Escort for radar. Don't know about laser but I got nailed in Canada with a laser in the Audi and it never went off (I saw the cop who nailed me as he jumped out from behind the guardrail. The k40 laser has gone off in town and I have seen the cop banging on his gun as I drove by (I have the diffuser).
I have also had the K40 in a couple of my cars and have had good detection range, they do generate a lot of false alarms and are not as feature rich as the new detectors.

But the true stealth installation is worth something though.

If you know of someone who wants to give one away, send it my way. I have a few cars I wouldn't mind installing it in. I also believe the unit is overpriced on the retail level.
I have it on two of my vehicles, and am interested in putting in on others -- stealth mode and low-profile install are key in a space-sparse interiors of cars like the NSX. LMK if you decide to get rid of it.

Based on what you've described, I think your unit is defective... mine work OK. It does not filter out false signals as well as a V1, though.
Another suggestion would be to try the Escort SR-1 (remote mount, front and rear laser/radar detection). I love mine. Saved my hide numerous times.

1994 300ZX TT
Stage VI+ (auto)
338 rwhp - 380 rwt
Well in my OP nothing compares or comes close to the Valentine one unit. There are companys out there that are using the optional remote display for the V1 and then etching the glass in the Rear View Mirror and then putting the remote display in it. Then they can place the V1 main unit in a stealth location. The price is costly, around a $1000 dollars. i am going to try and do it myself. I am investigating etching material and then I will decide if I will attempt it. As far as the K40 goes, I used to have one and hated it. I guess it is all a matter of opinion. I know if it did not use the very widely used Ka band, then what is the point in using it, as this is a very popular band for law enforcecment right now. The bands do vary from state to state, and I think Valentine's web site can tell you who uses what, or you can call them and ask.
Originally posted by Eggman:
Another suggestion would be to try the Escort SR-1 (remote mount, front and rear laser/radar detection). I love mine. Saved my hide numerous times.
A bit of trivia there -- Mike Valentine was a co-founder of Escort (which makes the Passport). Valentine broke from the mother ship in 1992 and created Valentine One which produces the namesake radar detector.