K40 or Valentine 1 Radar ?

15 March 2006
Boca Raton, FL
K40 or valentine 1 ?

Anyone have any input on which one to go with ?
Havent tried the valentine one but i have the k40 and it sucks ass. Thats the only way i can describe the crappiness of this system. Driving up to one of those stationary radar trailers that tell your speed on the screen it didnt activate until about 10 feet in front of it.
When I bought my car it had a K40 installed. It was a really nice, professional installation. Totally stealthy, looked like it was put in at the factory. But it was older (SonaRadar 3B?), and I've had a V1 for 8 years and I trust it. It was painful, but I just cut out the K40 dispaly and replaced it with a 2nd V1 I ordered the same day I got the car. The K40 might be better (I don't know), but geez they cost a lot and are a pain to install. For the money, I think V1 is still the best or very close to it. The greatest risk I can see is with instant-on radar, and no detector will save you there anyway.
k40 that bad?

I keep hearing everyone trash the K40, even on another thread, I then heard thats its if you have the old K40...


I am currently running the K40 and I LOVE IT, just bought it abuot 3 months ago, and WOW, I get warnings as far as 3/4 of a mile ahead OFTEN....

I've had my V1 for six years and I've only gotten one ticket with it. It was my fault because I had never heard the laser alert go off before and I ignored it. The officer who pulled me over told me that he nailed me from 1100 ft away. I was getting a scatter alert well before that from him hitting other cars but I ignored the signal. I've more than satisfied with the V1 and it has saved my butt more times than I can remember.
DocL said:
I've had my V1 for six years and I've only gotten one ticket with it. It was my fault because I had never heard the laser alert go off before and I ignored it. The officer who pulled me over told me that he nailed me from 1100 ft away. I was getting a scatter alert well before that from him hitting other cars but I ignored the signal. I've more than satisfied with the V1 and it has saved my butt more times than I can remember.

I've owned a V-1 for 3 years and got a ticket a few nights ago. it was my fault because i turned the volume down on the v-1 to hear the radio. V-1 has never let me down.
Well, it seem like everyone with the V1 is happy with it. :biggrin: Thanks for the reports !

I am glad to know whats been work for people. I just had to ask b/c over the years i knew the V1 was one of the best, But i had also thought that the k40 was too.
Those arrows look like they would be nice, letting you know where it's coming from.
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Re: k40 that bad?

btcog82 said:
I keep hearing everyone trash the K40, even on another thread, I then heard thats its if you have the old K40...

From the reviews I've read, the new bluetooth K40 is as good as the other stealth units on the market in most measures. The laser defuser is, from what I read, a complete joke though.

But yeah, the older one is about as accurate as something you would get from kmart for $30. A complete waste of money. I dont even use mine anymore at all because it doesnt stop going off for more then 5 minutes.

Both bell remote units are good. One is around $500 which isnt too bad. Probably around $1000 installed. I was quoted $1500 for the new K40 installed. Even though its bluetooth, it apparently still takes a full day to set it up.

The thing I dont like about the V1 is the fact you have to hook it up everytime you want to use it, and to have someone run wires for a stealth install, you're probably not going to save *that* much vs getting a k40 or bell.
I use the V1 in my Viper and the escort SR7 remote system in my Audi and now my NSX- its a little on the expensive side but is about 80% as effective as the V1 (guesstimate)- in addition it has laser "shifters"- not sure how well they work and I do not have them for my NSX (just the audi).

got to love those arrows though!

We've been using both for around six years - a K40 front and rear remote system in one car, and a V1 in the other two cars. There's no comparison, whether you're looking at features (arrows) or sensitivity or falsing. Get the V1.
Chalk another one up for V1.
I understand that the newest V1 versions have "pop" radar detection.
I consider that a bit of a sell out as they were the ones touting the inaccuracies of a "pop" system and how it wouldn't stand up in court because the manufacturer claims a +/- 30% error with an instant on detection.. blahblahblah...
Anyways, I've had my V1 for 2.5 years, no problems, no tickets. And a car designed after the F-16 deserves it's own radar warning system with arrows!

GeNSX - Max
Get a Valentine One because the K40 sucks and it is overpriced. The K40 can detect radar but no remote system can detect radar as good as the Valentine One because the antennas are too low. When the K40 bluetooth came out, they did a test and recorded it on video. The K40 in the video couldn't jam any of the laser guns they used so it is basically an overpriced radar detector without any ability to jam laser for $1500-$2000.:eek: