just wondering, how old are you guys who own NSX's?

Give UW TL a break. He is obviously a new member. It took me a while to figure out how to navigate this site too, despite the excellent ergonomics of this board.

BTW, I am 34. :)
Since some of us have had our NSX's for over a decade perhaps the question should be how old were you when you purchased your car?
Brian2by2 said:
this has been brought up a million times...its the most hated thread in the world!

Some other close contenders : "NSX2", "Best Wax", "Timing Belts" and "2F2F NSX PIX" ;)

<B>MYNSX </B> : 94? You old fart! :D Or do you mean you've used up 94 lives? ;)

<B>UW TL</B> : welcome to the forum... don't be scared away. We're all nice people here... :rolleyes:
UW TL said:
i am 26. And after I graduate from dental school next year hopefully I can start thinking about buying one :D

Congrats to you on your upcoming graduation from dental school!

You may find that when you graduate, you will have some more pressing priorities than an NSX, especially if you are planning on opening up your own office. Make an NSX one of your goals though. Think of it when you have a patient with green teeth complaining about how high your fees are :D

It took me 20 years of work to get my NSX ( with a new office, house, and 2 kids thrown in between).
It was worth the wait !!:)

Joel 91 Black/Ivory