Just when we thought we knew everything....

15 April 2007
Brooklyn, New York
I always get a kick out of finding out something new about the car I didn't know before.. like yesterday I was fooling with the Door Air Vents when stopped at a light.. and found out that they actually pull up and out at a 45 degree angle and then lock in place. I thought that was GREAT design feature !! The look and work much better than when they are sitting Flush with the door.
Is this news to anyone here.... or am I the only one? :rolleyes:

I am curious if after owning it for a few years you discovered something new that blew you away and wondered why you didn't discover it long ago.
I discovered shortly after getting my NSX that if I pushed the pedal on the the right all the way down that I would get a few tickets. I've since learned how to control the pedal on the right.

The first night I got my NSX I read the owners manual about a dozen times and knew most of the features of the car.
I discovered shortly after getting my NSX that if I pushed the pedal on the the right all the way down that I would get a few tickets. I've since learned how to control the pedal on the right.
