Just wanted to say thanks to NSXprime.

24 April 2000
Gilbert, AZ, United States
Hey guys and gals,

I've been a member of this site for quite a long time, especially for someone that still doesn't have an NSX :rolleyes: yet.

I just wanted to say thanks for providing a forum like this for new AND PROSPECTIVE owners. I have been a member of many car sites and NSXprime without question has been and continues to be the classiest and most mature of them all, ten fold.

You really don't find people here as much with elitist attitudes like that of other forums. Hah, and no, this post is not coming fresh off of someone flaming me hard on some other board or anything as I typically steer clear from the flame wars and drama. Just wanted to say thanks again and I will continue to be a member of NSXprime, even if my first NSX doesnt come for another 10 years.
Thank you very much. I hope my next 800 posts will be as enlightening as my first 800. I'm sure I speak for all the other members on here when I say "Buy one now before the price goes up you moron!" Seriously, you don't know the awesomeness you are missing out on. Cash out your 401k, sell a kidney, melt your pennies down to bare metal, and BUY A NSX. When you don't have a NSX and you sit on here for 10 years watching me, well, it makes me feel creeped out.:frown:
^^^^ I hope his ( Justin, I recall ? ) next 800 posts are better ! But I want you to bring another NSX in to Michigan, for sure. Make it a nice Zanardi, 'cause I think we have exactly *none* of those.

I began looking in to Prime in late 2003, have learned SO much.
Well some of us are mature and have class anyway...:smile: Take your time and get your finances in order before you take the plunge. Too many here have bought and sold within such a short period of time.
Hey Teej, next time you are in the KY area send me a pm. You can drive my car for a day.

WARNING: driving a NSX is addictive.
This guy joined april 2000 and you only have 298 posts? You think a person that loves the site so much would have some more posts. Start posting some more dude:biggrin:
Just wanted to say thanks again and I will continue to be a member of NSXprime, even if my first NSX doesnt come for another 10 years.

So when's your second NSX going to arrive? :)
So when's your second NSX going to arrive? :)

Nice throwback Andy. Crazy looking back, not only did I eventually get my NSX... buuuuuut I think I've done a good job in climbing into the elite looking NSX club since my purchase in August 2012... What do you think?

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You really need me to answer? I think you shot for the moon and are heading to Mars. :smile: