Just saw Fast and Furious. I wanna get a NXS now...

4 April 2009
Appleton, WI
I was thinking about one that looks like this:


My parents are going to buy it for me.

Just kidding...

On a serious note...I am just starting to look for a NSX, probably in the 91-93 range, >25k.

I'm looking for someone in my area (Fox Valley WI) who I can run some questions by (items replaced and maintenance due to age, etc etc), and maybe go for a ride.

I doubt I'll be buying locally, so it'd be great if someone could let me test drive theirs. I was leaning towards an E46 M3, but I didn't realize early NSX's were obtainable for under 30k. Now I'm confused. :biggrin:

I wonder what this movie will do for the NSX community. There is some ugly BMW 335 in there as well I guess. This might help the appreciation of the cars so don't hate on the movie too much.
I wonder what this movie will do for the NSX community. There is some ugly BMW 335 in there as well I guess. This might help the appreciation of the cars so don't hate on the movie too much.

Uhhh...what is, KILL IT...final answer

and what is an NXS :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Some of the posts here remind me of the Viper Forum. :tongue:

Srt8shot, I for one appreciated your humor. Good luck with your search. If you were in the Houston area, I would meet up and give you some pointers/test drive. Stick around, read some threads, learn all you can, and buy your NSX! :smile:

- Zishan
I doubt I'll be buying locally, so it'd be great if someone could let me test drive theirs.

I think this is typically best arranged when someone OFFERS this to you.

Of course you could drive up to Minneapolis and you can test drive my Gallardo, F430, and 993TT. Take em for a day or two. Maybe one of those will suit your needs? :cool:
I think this is typically best arranged when someone OFFERS this to you.

I don't know anyone with a NSX, so that's probably not going to happen. I'd be happy to start with just a ride, but ultimately it would be beneficial to drive a prime example so when I'm test driving a potential candidate I'll know if some things askew.

I'm from Maple Grove originally and I get back there once in a while. I'll pick your car up on the way through and drop it off on my way back my next weekend visit.:wink:
I think this is typically best arranged when someone OFFERS this to you.

Of course you could drive up to Minneapolis and you can test drive my Gallardo, F430, and 993TT. Take em for a day or two. Maybe one of those will suit your needs? :cool:

You need to update ur signature with your cars...poser! :tongue:
NXS, lol I stopped correcting people a LONG time ago.

Usually people don't even have the knowledge of what the car is to call it an NXS when I talk to them... it's usually "Acura? Really I've never seen that before"

On a side note that is off topic, I love cwood1388's signature:

"I usually downshift when I'm near a Prius so they can hear me hurting the environment"

Im here in Milwaukee and couple of my buddies with an nsx's. If you ever down here on the weekend, just pm me i can take you for a ride.
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There you go, i was going to say where was VrooM?
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