Just put up new site

I looked...here is my opionion. don't try to choke me. The site is a great idea..and I have spoken about something like this with Aaron. In regards to the feel and look of your site, I strongly suggest a professional web designer to make it right. MS template wouldn't do it....especially with someone of your status and position. It just doesn't look and feel right. Now lets hit Ortega/Paloma. :biggrin:

Z18 said:

Has lots of pics, but is also there to help bring together San Diego area sports car enthusiasts. Please check it out and let me know what you think.
PoohBEAR said:
....especially with someone of your status and position. It just doesn't look and feel right. Now lets hit Ortega/Paloma. :biggrin:
What status and position? Is he someone famous?
He looks like a speed junky to me with fine taste in motorcycles. :smile:
So Z18, you bought Kevin's Rothmans. Have you gotten the bike registered in California? Nice Repsol too. Is it registered too?
Re: New Site up -- NSXs and More!

NAUGHTY! NAUGHTY! NAUGHTY! You broke the rules!!! You get a negative reputation point for that!!! :p :D :D :D j/k

Looks like the makings of a nice site; loved the Zanardi... but there was too much Ferrari for me. ;) ...so i had to come back to Prime. :p

I also liked your motocross pix. Glad you explained those pix were taken with a phone-camera coz i looked at the photos and thought "what a crap lens! that's the worst vignetting i've ever seen in a photo". :)
First, thanks all for the comments -- if you can and want to, please do register and post on the site there.

PoohBEAR said:
I looked...here is my opionion. don't try to choke me. The site is a great idea..and I have spoken about something like this with Aaron. In regards to the feel and look of your site, I strongly suggest a professional web designer to make it right. MS template wouldn't do it....especially with someone of your status and position. It just doesn't look and feel right. Now lets hit Ortega/Palomar. :biggrin:

I hear you. I have ZERO talent with HTML, etc. So I used Frontpage and put it together. I think I can make it look a bit better and get some help from people with actual talent whom I work with. But the main issue is that it's a personal site and so I can't ask my web team to really do much on it when they have other responsibilities -- they have a lot of work to do.

If you haven't, check out www.vanguardsoh.com or www.sigil.com -- I think they can do great work, but I'll have to mooch some help from them slowly but surely.

(At least Andy set up the message boards for me -- that involved some php stuff that's over my head -- I haven't programmed in years (1996?), and it was C++ game programming).
Re: New Site up -- NSXs and More!

NeoNSX said:
NAUGHTY! NAUGHTY! NAUGHTY! You broke the rules!!! You get a negative reputation point for that!!! :p :D :D :D j/k

Looks like the makings of a nice site; loved the Zanardi... but there was too much Ferrari for me. ;) ...so i had to come back to Prime. :p

I also liked your motocross pix. Glad you explained those pix were taken with a phone-camera coz i looked at the photos and thought "what a crap lens! that's the worst vignetting i've ever seen in a photo". :)

I have a lot more pics to put up if people like the site, including a TON more with NSX pics.