Just installed Cantrell Concepts AIS

2 February 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Last night I just installed a Cantrell Concepts air intake system on my 03'. All I have to say is 'WOW' .. What a nice sound. When you step on the throttle, it sounds VERY nice.. MUCH deeper and a bit louder than stock.. Really makes the NSX sound like it has some REAL power after you hear the noise..

Installation time: About 1.5 Hours
Difficulty 1-10 (10 being hardest): 2
Price: $300+

I've installed intakes on my previous cars (2001 IS300, 1995 Prelude SE) and this wasnt any harder. If anything, it was simpler due to the fact that you didnt have to get into the engine bay.. Just removed the rear drivers side tire to get access into the OEM intake.

Overall, I really recommend it to anyone who wants a sweet sound coming from a better breathing engine.
Any HP gains? How about at higher speeds?

Sound is neat, but I'd like to see some performance gain.

Know anything about the Cantrell airbox & supersucker combination?
This is very much on my shopping list. I just bought an air intake which replaced the stock airbox and it sounds incredible. I just can't imagine the sound the cantrell AIS will make on top.
But will it really do anything to improve performance? Or will it just sound different?

Do either help individually? Would both work together better when the car is at higher speeds?

I just changed my air filter in my factory airbox and noticed something odd. ALL the dirt was at one end of the filter. It's like 90% of the airflow is at the last 3 inches of the filter. I'd think an airbox that pushes air through the filter using the full surface would flow more air with less restriction. Does the Cantrell aluminum airbox do this better? And if so, is it that much of a difference to the motor?
The stock NSX air filter is extremely efficient. I have yet to hear of anyone getting major changes in horsepower by changing the air filter (intake) system; differences are almost always no more than 1-2 hp, and they can go in either direction.
That's kinda what I figured. :(

I want to get the Cantrell airbox & filter, just for cosmetic reasons. The polished aluminum airbox will look better with the aluminum coolant tank from SOS. I want both of those as well as some aluminum dressup parts for the motor. I'd get the Cantrell AIS too, but it's too expensive for just adding a neat sound.
For what is worth.

On the most recent Dyno Day here in the South Bay, I noticed that my car showed a 3hp gain and a 5lb/ft gain in torque with a K&N filter and the Dali Super Scooper vs stock filter and stock intake on my 3.2 that has Comptech headers and exhaust. The gains showed up across the entire powerband, which was a bit odd, since I have only seen gains made by intakes at high rpms where the engine is sucking a lot more air.

I had 3 dyno runs that day and the plots are almost identical across the 3 pulls. Peak HP 275.5 Peak Torque 210.2

The measurements were done on the same dyno, but on different days, so perhaps the differences are due to different air temperatures between the 2 days or my engine is running stronger now that it has 42K miles on it vs the 26k that it had last time.

Deuce B said:
I just changed my air filter in my factory airbox and noticed something odd. ALL the dirt was at one end of the filter. It's like 90% of the airflow is at the last 3 inches of the filter. I'd think an airbox that pushes air through the filter using the full surface would flow more air with less restriction.
By saying the dirt is all at one end and therefore the airflow is all at that end, you are assuming that the air flow and particle flow take the exact same path which is a bad assumption. A dirt particle with significantly greater mass cannot make the same tight turns as air can while traveling through a favorable pressure gradient. By the way, this same poor assumption is behind intake manifold honing approaches that use particles to eat away the manifold material. They assume that the air losses will be less if it can travel where a heavier honing material would naturally flow, which usually isn’t the case.
