Just got pulled over and let go.

23 November 2002
lexington, Ky
So it is a nice cool night night here and the car is running great. Took a right turn with no one around and got a little sideways.:biggrin: I never sped but there was a cop some where around to see the show. Pulled me over and when he determined I had not been drinking he told me to wait until I got home to impress my wife and let me go. He said he was a "hot rodder" and understood.

He let me go in less than 5 minutes and I deserved at least a ticket. We see all kinds here but I guess I got a cool one tonight. My wife was figuring out how she was going to walk home.

When will I grow up? I loved every second of the drift but I sure would be embarrassed if my neighbors drove by.

Once again, I never sped and there was no one else around, or so I thought!!
This ticket would NOT have been for speeding. Surely you realize you can get a ticket for reckless driving by doing just about anything out of the ordinary?

Luckily you had a cool cop, and Im guessing you were cool as well, and it all ended well.

Cops don't like writing tickets. Its a pain. Don't give them a reason to :cool:
I just noted the speed so I could avoid some flames here on Prime.

I was very respectful and after the initial power position he was kind of laughing. I think he knew the beat down I was in for when I got back into the car.:redface:

I was very lucky on thursday. I was out for a spin driving ok. Then I found myself behind a german tourist which was all over the road.

I used all my xenons to let him know that I was going past him. I guess I just hit it to get as far away from him as soon as possible.

Well the police was behind me and I got a $812 fine. I was very lucky as I could have been without my license for three months and have a $1492 fine.

We could blame Germany for many things. We kicked them out in 1945. But I guess they are not to blame for this though.:rolleyes:

Edit: I accept to be older. But I will never be a grown up.

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I was very lucky on thursday. I was out for a spin driving ok. Then I found myself behind a german tourist which was all over the road.

I used all my xenons to let him know that I was going past him. I guess I just hit it to get as far away from him as soon as possible.

Well the police was behind me and I got a $812 fine. I was very lucky as I could have been without my license for three months and have a $1492 fine.

We could blame Germany for many things. We kicked them out in 1945. But I guess they are not to blame for this though.:rolleyes:

Edit: I accept to be older. But I will never be a grown up.

i think i read about this in aftenoposten :eek:
i think i read about this in aftenoposten :eek:


I am not sure Aftenposten was out in the 1940'is. :biggrin:

My speeding was not on in the national news. It was just a minor speeding ticket.

Things are expencive here in Norway. And speeding is very expencive. I have payed a lot of fines during my time on the road.

Thats the way it is. It is just a matter of time until they get me for real in the end.

Out of respect to the OP, I took the NSX out and got a little sideways going through an (empty) intersection. It felt great and you know what the best part was? Not a po-po in sight.
(Oh, god, I'm a 43 year old man and I'm using terms like po-po:redface:).
I got lucky today too. I'm usually very good about staying w/in 5mph of the speed limit around town. This morning, I was driving to the office, thought it was a PO behind me but wasn't sure. I downshifted into 2nd (loud w/ my exhaust) to turn into my office lot. He came in behind me and I thought Oh God I'm going to get it. Turns out I was doing 50 in a 30. :eek: He was very nice and just gave me a verbal warning.
I got lucky today too. I'm usually very good about staying w/in 5mph of the speed limit around town. This morning, I was driving to the office, thought it was a PO behind me but wasn't sure. I downshifted into 2nd (loud w/ my exhaust) to turn into my office lot. He came in behind me and I thought Oh God I'm going to get it. Turns out I was doing 50 in a 30. :eek: He was very nice and just gave me a verbal warning.

That IS lucky. I don't know many cops that would not write a ticket for that amount under any circumstance! Go buy a lottery ticket!
You know, most traffic stops are done for two reasons. First, safety. If you're weaving through traffic or street racing, you could get someone killed, and you're getting a ticket.

Second, to find out who you are. You might have either a suspended license or warrants, and the only way to find out is to pull you over. If the cop finds out you're a decent citizen after stopping you, and you weren't putting anyone at risk, your chances of getting a verbal warning are actually pretty good where I'm from.

Unless you get stopped by the traffic unit. The motto here is "if the boot hits the pavement, the pen hits the paper."

Third reason for traffic stops: any infraction, real or not, of arbitrary traffic rules, for the purpose of funding the local municipality.
Yeah, you're right. But all the officers who want to do that end up in the traffic section. Did you know that in many departments, part of the ticket revenue from the traffic section is set aside for them to buy new equipment? That's how they can afford BMW and Harley bikes, the latest LIDAR gear, and so on.
