Just curious.. about door hinges

15 June 2002
Boston, MA
the hinges were soldered to the body... it got a crack.. what would be a possible explanetion if theres no acidents involved.?

Well hopefully they were welded, not soldered!

It could be a bad weld, or someone could have leaned or otherwise put too much pressure on the door when it was open...
Any way reccomended to get it fixed? what would be the downside of leaving it like that? would it effect the alignments?
what would be the downside of leaving it like that?

How about one day you go to open your door and it just falls off. That's a downside. It could put a damper on your entire day; especially if you're late for work already.

I would have a good body shop remove the door and reweld the crack on the hinge. Of course you will have to have the area repainted as well.

Otherwise just crawl through the window like in NASCAR.

[This message has been edited by Chris W (edited 26 July 2002).]
i just chekced mine and there is no crack. the one thing that really annoys me is when i drive my 99 nsx, i get a annoying creaking sound coming around the drivers side window area.