Just bought 1991 nsx #75

26 February 2006
Alki Ave. Seattle - Lynnwood, WA - Monterey, CA
My name is Jojo, I live in Seattle area. I just bought red 91 NSX last week. #75 of the production line. I am having it checked out at the Acura dealer. The car need replace two rear hatch struts, antenna mast, where can I get these parts so I can do it myself?
You can get these parts at any Acura dealer.

I'm not sure whether "rear hatch struts" are the engine hatch struts or the trunk lid struts, but in either case, you also have the option of having them refurbished by Frank who owns Strutwise, a business just across the border from you. Do a search on Strutwise for more information.
I just bought my trunk struts, $130 from Acura dealer.