Just announced offshoring..

5 May 2005
Boston, MA

My company just announced that we will be "in-shoring" some of our development and QA from my site in MA. They are calling it "in-shoring"; that name doesn't make much sense to me.. Hrm..

Unstable market we have here...

jdc1687 said:

My company just announced that we will be "in-shoring" some of our development and QA from my site in MA. They are calling it "in-shoring"; that name doesn't make much sense to me.. Hrm..

Unstable market we have here...


first, i hope the change in practices at your company result in improved opportunities for you rather than "my wages/opportunities" have been cut and the future ain't looking too bright" scenario.

next... there's a book entitled, "The World is Flat" that addresses the specific differences between "in-shoring" and "outsourcing" - along with numerous other trends that are occurring as a result of the technology changes that are impacting the world we all live in. it's a remarkable read and i encourage most folks i know <60 yrs of age to read it.

i reside in the silicon valley and happen to be in salem, oregon, as i read this. last night on the news up here the govenor of the state was lobbying for implementation of a sales tax, with, iirc, a majority of the funds going to education. his comments were (summarized): "folks, we're now living in a global economy and the only way our young people are going to be able to compete is if they have quality educations that we've funded; if they do not have quality educations, they'll essentially be unemployable in the coming years."

that pretty much sums up "the world is flat" - it's a global economy and the "brain work" will go to the most efficient provider.

good luck with the changes in your company, jer.
