Just a test -please ignore

.....can't....resist....temptation....to.......read.....and....post......... :D

<B>NSX-Racer</B> : Were you testing if you could just post three "." symbols??? wow... i guess it worked. :D
Sorry NSX-Racer to change the original topic... :p ...but this is the perfect place to start discussing the <B>Meaning of Life</B>!!!

One suggestion was "we are born to die".
Kinda sux though. :rolleyes:

I like MYNSX's philosophy on life... :D
NeoNSX: It already was a discussion about the Meaning Of Life.
The three points in my first post were:

Point 1: Grow up

Point 2: Get enough money

Point 3: Buy a NSX

And that's what life's all about...

BTW: weird, how a "please ignore" post gets more attention than real serious threads - look at the view numbers!
<B>NSX-Racer:</B> Points 1 and 3 seem to contradict. If I grow up I wouldn't be able to justify buying such an expensive toy like an NSX. :rolleyes: Or if i buy an NSX, how could i grow up? ;)
Okay - I would have had to be more exact: The Meaning of Life for MEN...

As you may know a man is always a child no matter what age - so no need to justify buying a toy. You can testify that with the percentage of female NSX owners.

OTOH: Who the hell would call my serious, sensible powerful racing machine a toy??? ;)